今天(2018 07 02)跟女兒車去美國一個叫Fern lake湖邊度假,路上花了近9個小時。沒事做。我鼓勵孫女孫子寫詩歌。不錯。還很配合。開始寫的不合韻律。英語詩歌是AA BB CC DD; 韻,或者AB AB CD CD,AC,BC。她們寫的四句全是AA AA。我讓她們重寫。驚喜出現了。孫女連着寫了6首。初寫就比我寫的好很多。到底是母語啊。 孫子寫了三句。我讓他補寫另外一句。寫不出來。我給他補寫了。這樣也湊了兩首。(下次再發。) 很有成就感。 我現在把她的詩歌發給大家。 外孫女14歲。初次寫的英文詩歌,寫在去美國蕨湖度假村的路上。 1. Jesus cares for all his children, He knows of they've been good or bad, He loves them when they are happy, And conforts them when they are sad. 譯文 愛民如子, 基督耶穌, 解其良善, 知其罪誤。 愛撫其樂, 寬慰其憂。 2. "Do you have to go pee now?" said the mama to the kid. But he didn't need to go. Peeing in pants was strictly forbid, But he still didn't need to go. His bladder said wait, 'Till we're gonna be late, And then that's when it all overflaued. 譯文 "快去尿尿去," 媽吩咐弟弟。 我們今天出門, 不許尿到褲里。 弟弟還是不去。 他的尿包調皮, 等到都遲到了 已經褲子尿濕。 3. Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple and Blue, Spred across the sky in different hues, A sunset is a lovely sight, It's God's way telling us all, good night. 譯文 紅棕黃蘭紫, 灑向天空好美麗。 上帝用色采畫晚霞, 那是道別晚安的方式。 注: 這首寫的好。 4. Panthers are natural hunters of prey, They are sleek and black and fast, With a keen sense of smell and a sharp sense of sight, If you're spotted, you wouldn't last. 譯文 黑豹是天生食肉者, 皮毛黑亮動作敏捷。 嗅覺靈敏視野開闊。 如果你真被它盯上, 你會充其腹中食果。 5. Poems are so hard to write, When you have no ideas. Right now I'm in such a plight, I need a "Eureka". 譯文 當苦於大腦空空, 寫詩歌真的很難。 我現在身處困境, 多渴望一絲靈感! 6. Pay day is our favourite day, It's when we get paied our money, But all that money goes to waste, On buying we never need. 譯文 最喜歡的事是開餉, 尤其把錢捧到手上。 結果買了大批垃圾, 堆積占取心中喜狂。 應該說不少地方還須改進,但比我寫的英文詩歌好。我太注重語法,句子太沉重。 |