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10岁女儿献给四川灾区灾民的诗 2008-05-23 12:23:23

四川地震的灾情牵动着海内外亿万人的心。我们的两个女儿,一个10岁,一个7岁也非常关心,每天和我们一起看中文电视,急切了解救灾的最新情况,为每一个死难者悲伤流泪,更为每一位获救者特别是小孩而欢呼。她们也想为灾区人民做点什么, 把她们的零花钱捐出。现在她们正与我们一道忙着筹备一台振灾义演音乐会,希望带动她们的小学同学及家长一道为中国四川的地震灾民募捐。她们也希望能通过自己的言行来增进普通美国人对中国与中国人民的了解。




In Memoriam: 5-12-2008

By 一见钟情

May 22, 2008


It never told us it was coming

But nature’s just that way

Listen to my woven tale

About that fateful day


Everything was perfectly fine—

A normal day to pass…

But nature stalled her usual consent

And broke out a terrible wrath…


Without warning the air seemed to still

The ground began to shake

Then the wind began to churn

The land started to quake


There was screeching, screaming

Wailing and howling for help

The children were frozen with fear—

The adults tried to answer to every yelp


Those who ran out first

Tried to help the others

They pulled the ones in need out

And went in for another…


But the buildings soon tumbled all down

There were still people in the rubble…

The people tried to rescue as many as possible

Even now, they would have to overcome the trouble!


Soon help came to the poor people

Together, nothing could stop them

Until they got to everyone

Until they freed the people from this situation so grim


They were filled with the spirit

The spirit of love and care

They vowed to help the people—

Those that were so helplessly ensnared


So they used all their might

And never ceased to rest

They helped as much as they could

They vowed they would do their best


Through sorrowful tears, the victims thanked

The people that had helped them

All the hope and love that was shown

Showed that hope was not yet dim…


A loving heart, and kindness

Can always save the day—

As long as you have hope and confidence…

That will pave your way…





- to Sichuan earthquake survivors


May 22, 2008


The pounding rain comes to a stop

Drip drop, drip drop, drip drop…


The clouds recede, the sky is blue

Go away rain, go away rain, shoo!


I jump in the puddles of rain

Not caring about the mud stain…


A steady drizzle or rain still won’t stop

Plip plop, plip plop, plip plop…


Finally the rain comes s  l  o  w  l  y to an end

Thank you, I say to the sun the sky just sent…


I look up to see the rainbow—

In the clouds, in the sky, hanging low…


Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain*

No more is the annoying rain!


*Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain means Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet—abbreviated.

浏览(595) (3) 评论(3)
作者:一丁 留言时间:2008-05-27 11:55:07
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作者:榛子*桃 留言时间:2008-05-23 19:23:49
Really only 10?! Wow! what a great job!!
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作者:井蛙 留言时间:2008-05-23 18:11:52
Great work! Good girl!
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注册日期: 2008-05-22
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· 10岁女儿献给四川灾区灾民的诗
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· 10岁女儿献给四川灾区灾民的诗
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2008-05-22 - 2008-05-23
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