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理财锦囊,省钱之方法,赚钱之道!——网上购物,赚钱有诀窍(完全免费)[ Financial freedom ]  
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(2)Have you heard of BigCrumbs? 2008-10-04 11:40:27

(2)Have you heard of BigCrumbs?


What is BigCrumbs?

Short Answer: Fun way to save and earn money

1. BigCrumbs is a cash-back rewards site that empowers consumers by giving them money back on their online purchases from almost 200 merchants like: ebay, Target, BestBuy, Old Navy, etc.

2. BigCrumbs is an extremely fun, easy and free income opportunity. Not only do you earn cash back on your own purchases, you can receive cash back on others\' purchases as well.


BigCrumbs.com was founded by a group of Atlanta-based software engineers--folks with \"regular\" jobs, whom the world might call \"successful\". They believe that life was meant for living and enjoying to the fullest. They all agree that we\'re not sure where the current rat-race \"design\" came from, but that it\'s not for us! And what they\'ve found along the way is that there are many people who feel the same way!

So, they felt that it was time to do something about it. Too often, good, honest people are taken advantage of and not given a fair chance. Not anymore!

There is power in friends telling friends about products and services. And being in the software field, they\'ve had first-hand experience at how powerful a communications tool Internet technology truly is. That\'s why they\'ve designed a program that\'s built on the Internet, and one that gives everyone a real opportunity to participate simply by doing two things they already do. That is, tell friends when they come across something \"cool\" (like an easy way to save and earn cash) and shop!

And while they don\'t promise millions, they do offer participants a realistic way to earn some extra cash--possibly thousands--potentially replacing their income and beyond.

BigCrumbs.com exists for two reasons. First, BigCrumbs.com empower consumers to maximize their hard-earned dollars by providing the highest overall cash back rewards of any website or \"rewards\" credit card. In addition, we work hard to bring you special offers such as free gifts, free shipping, and discounts when shopping online at your favorite retailers.

Second, BigCrumbs.com provides an extremely easy and fun income opportunity that also features very low startup costs. In fact, it\'s FREE! Many people continue to work jobs they dislike, spending the majority of their waking hours during their prime years in misery. Others may not particularly dislike their jobs, but would prefer a different lifestyle. Whether this means staying home with the kids, traveling more or just plain having a better balance between work and personal time.

Most people would love to find a way to get out of the rat-race. They just don\'t have the time required to invest in most businesses, because they\'re too busy working to pay the bills! And, speaking of bills, lack of money is also a common disqualifier from many real business opportunities.

That\'s where BigCrumbs.com comes in. BigCrumbs.com offer a legitimate way for you to earn real income.

Vincent, the founder of BigCrumbs.com, said: \" We don\'t promise you a yacht, helicopter or vacation home. You\'ll not see pictures of that nonsense here. In fact, chances are that you won\'t make millions with us. Surprised by our honesty? Please don\'t be. We are a different kind of company. We believe in treating people fairly and honestly and just being real. We believe that most people, ourselves included, have had enough of the scams, trickery and deceit employed to extract our hard-earned dollars from us. It\'s time for a change. \"

\"Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent online each year. We see that as one VERY BIG cookie (or pie, depending on your preference). It\'s so big in fact, that there\'s plenty to go around. And so big, that just a crumb is enough to change most people\'s lives. Now, THAT is a very Big Crumb! \"

Take me to BigCrumbs now!!!  


Learn more please go to next:

(3)The best cash back program is on BigCrumbs! --Why?


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