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2010 快乐男生 2010-04-18 23:03:24


Ready to become the next Justin Timberlake? 
Compete in Super Boy and show your talent to millions around the world!
Sign up for North America audition now! 
Open to music enthusiasts from any social/cultural background!

Super Boy is the most popular reality television singing contest in China produced by Hunan TV World Channel to find the next male singing sensation. The audience votes and determines who would advance to the next round.   For the first time, this #1 singing program in China is now being expanded internationally to uncover super talents with the interest of exploring the infinite opportunities in China and promote music diversity.   Music is an universal language that transcends boundaries, so music lovers from any cultural background are encouraged to sign up for the auditions.  Winners of the regional finals will be sent to China for the next rounds on the international stage   Besides opening the doors into the music industry, winners will also have a chance to become program hosts at the Hunan TV World Channel.  Super Boy grand finals (live), selected auditions, preliminary contests and behind-the-scene clips will be broadcasted worldwide in more than 20 countries/regions reaching over 2.7 million household.

Sign up for the divisional auditions now and show your talent to the world.  Contestants are encouraged to upload their profiles and photos to our website.  We will also contact some of the contestants to interview and introduce them in various mega blogs.  Profiles in the global website are being viewed by millions of people as Super Boy is the most popular singing contest in China! 

North America Audition Divisions
7 audition divisions: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, Toronto, and Online division.

Contest Timing
Application period    April 6-24, 2010
Divisional Auditions
 New York, Los Angeles, Toronto  May 1-2, 2010
San Francisco, Chicago, Houston May 7-8, 2010
Online division    April 24 – May 8, 2010
North America Regional Finals  May 15-16, 2010
Winners of the North America Regional Finals will be sent to China in June to enter the next rounds (June to September).

Men 18 years of age or older in any cultural background/ethnicities.

Language Requirement
Songs in any language are okay. 
However, contestants must be able to communicate in English or Chinese.

To Become a Super Boy Contestant
Step 1. Visit the official North America website at http://www.foaac.com/english
Step 2.   Complete the online registration. You will receive an email confirmation
Step 3.   Download and print the North American Region Application Form and the Contestants Release Form.
Step 4.  Bring the completed forms to the onsite registration on the day of the audition with the required items (as stated on the application) and a personal identification card with photo
Step 5.   Obtain your contestant number and wait for your turn to shine on stage!

Please contact FOAAC for questions regarding the forms.  (If you cannot read Chinese, you do not have to fill out the Chinese form at the application stage.  You can request for the English version when you are advanced into the next round.)

There is no maximum limit of contestants and no registration or hidden fee.  Furthermore, certain contest related expenses including transportation and accommodation will be covered by the producers if the contestant is advanced for finals in China.

Official Contact
North America Region hosted by The Foundation of Asian-American Culture
Official website  http://www.foaac.com/english

Official Global website at Hunan TV World Channel
(The website language is Chinese only)
http://ent.hunantv.com/v/SUPER BOY2010/index.html

Support Super Boy to help ordinary people to realize extraordinary dreams

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注册日期: 2008-10-09
访问总量: 55,922 次
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