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Yoga 2010-12-09 12:17:14

This is the first article published here since I created this blog over 2 years ago. Time passed by so quickly.

I was trying to anwser a blogger's question when I registered for a blog in the beginning. It did not work for some reason. Then I forgot it.

It is just like Yoga. I bought at least 1 book about Yoga during my college. Never read it through. Never practice Yoga. Then someday last year, I remember it was a April day, I registered my self and two kids at YMCA and found there is a Yoga class. I started going there and practice Yoga, once a week, twice a week, when I have 1 week off, like this week, 3 times a week. It is really good. Extension, relax, be quiet in my heart. I like it.

Now I find it should be time for me to record my life and my family's life. So, just start and I will find the good part for being a blogger.

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