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驳习近平:卫生部操纵WHO向世界兜售民族糟粕中医就是输出革命 2009-04-03 10:59:16






看来习近平这个国家副主席对中国的事还缺乏深刻的了解。2008117-8日,在北京召开了促进全球传统医药发展的“世界传统医学大会”。然后,由中国卫生部操纵借WHO的名义发表了臭名昭著的《北京宣言》(见附录英文原文),这个宣言不仅是向全世界兜售民族糟粕中医,而且还严重地剥夺了中国农民和穷人以及全世界穷人的一项非常重要的基本人权fundamental human right:即全世界的穷人享有用现代医学所提供的初级卫生保健服务的权力。




Let me begin with the current reality, which on at least one level, is quite straightforward. Traditional medicine is generally available, affordable, and commonly used in large parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”


For many millions of people, often living in rural areas of developing countries, herbal medicines, traditional treatments, and traditional practitioners are the main – sometimes the only – source of health care.”


陈冯富珍和中国卫生部提出的“穷人只能用草药,因为 affordability(支付得起)”的论调,是对21世纪人类文明社会的亵渎。因为传统医学在今天完全不是陈冯富珍说的“珍贵的医药来源a precious resource”,而是代表亚洲贫穷国家的愚昧和落后。到目前为止,没有一个有名有姓的疾病,使用中药的治疗效果比现代医学好。




我在这里要特别指出的是,中国卫生部为了躲避“输出革命”之嫌,故意篡改《北京宣言》的中文译本。新华社北京2008118日电,记者孙闻和王茜写的(新闻稿)“世卫组织通过《北京宣言》 ”一文中说,“宣言指出,应该加强传统医药提供者之间的交流,应为传统医药从业者、医学学生和相关研究人员建立培训机制。”而(正本)英文原文是“VI. The communication between conventional and traditional medicine providers should be strengthened and appropriate training programmes be established for health professionals, medical students and relevant researchers. ”英文的意思是“ 应该加强现代医学和传统医药提供者之间的交流”。中国卫生部知道,全世界(除了中国)现在只有一个医,就是现代医学。中国要求全世界的现代医学医生去学习传统医学,让时光倒流,也是强迫输出革命,会引起全世界各国医生的无比的愤怒。所以,中国卫生部在目前国人能够读到的唯一的中文译文中(新华社北京2008118日电),把“应该加强现代医学和传统医药提供者之间的交流”篡改成“应该加强传统医药提供者之间的交流”。自知理亏,对国人进行欺骗。







Beijing Declaration

WHO Congress on Traditional Medicine, Beijing, China, 8 November 2008


Participants at the World Health Organization Congress on Traditional Medicine, meeting in Beijing this eighth day of November in the year two thousand and eight;


Recalling the International Conference on Primary Health Care at Alma Ata thirty years ago and noting that people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care, which may include access to traditional medicine;


Recalling World Health Assembly resolutions promoting traditional medicine, including WHA resolution 56.31 of May 2003;


Noting that the term \"traditional medicine\" covers a wide variety of therapies and practices which may vary greatly from country to country and from region to region, and that traditional medicine may also be referred to as alternative or complementary medicine;


Recognizing traditional medicine as one of the resources of primary health care services to increase availability and affordability and to contribute to improve health outcomes including those mentioned in the Millennium Development Goals;


Recognizing that Member States have different domestic legislation, approaches, regulatory responsibilities and delivery models;


Noting that progress in the field of traditional medicine has been obtained in a number of Member States through implementation of the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2002-2005;


Expressing the need for action and cooperation by the international community, governments, and health professionals and workers, to ensure proper use of traditional medicine as an important component contributing to the health of all people, in accordance with national capacity, priorities and relevant legislation;


In accordance with national capacities, priorities, relevant legislation and circumstances, hereby make the following Declaration:


I. The knowledge of traditional medicine, treatments and practices should be respected, preserved, promoted and communicated widely and appropriately based on the circumstances in each country.


II. Governments have a responsibility for the health of their people and should formulate national policies, regulations and standards, as part of comprehensive national health systems to ensure appropriate, safe and effective use of traditional medicine.


III. Recognizing the progress of many governments to date in integrating traditional medicine into their national health systems, we call on those who have not yet done so to take action.


IV. Traditional medicine should be further developed based on research and innovation in line with the \"Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property\" adopted at the 61st World Health Assembly in 2008. Governments, international organizations and other stakeholders should collaborate in implementing the global strategy and plan of action.


V. Governments should establish systems for the qualification, accreditation or licensing of traditional medicine practitioners. Traditional medicine practitioners should upgrade their knowledge and skills based on national requirements.


VI. The communication between conventional and traditional medicine providers should be strengthened and appropriate training programmes be established for health professionals, medical students and relevant researchers.




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