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A Montana tribal councilwoman was beaten and ‘left 2021-09-13 04:37:01

A Montana tribal councilwoman was beaten and ‘left for dead’

Police in Billings, Montana, confirmed Tuesday that on May 16 officers were dispatched to a room at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in the state’s largest city for a report that a 23-year-old woman had been assaulted.

Silver Little Eagle, the victim and a councilwoman for the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, was transported by ambulance to a medical facility for treatment of injuries. No arrests were made, and no charges had been filed as of Tuesday morning.

Billings police did not name Little Eagle directly in the statement but confirmed in an email to the Great Falls Tribune that Little Eagle was the victim of the alleged assault.

Officers learned Little Eagle was missing personal property and her vehicle, which was later located by officers, according to a news release. A 31-year-old man was also reported to have been assaulted at the same time and location as Little Eagle.



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