这两首译作来自俺的别墅 - 华人时空网。 贴过来跟大家分享。我认为这两首翻译在“气势”上不凡。 同时欢迎诗坛的朋友去时空网访问,交流,讲学。
明朝杨慎 《临江仙 几度夕阳红》
滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。 是非成败转头空。 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。
白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。 一壶浊酒喜相逢。 古今多少事,都付笑谈中!
其一: 随笔译 (注:“随笔”是作者名)
Eastbound the Yangzi River violently flows
Buried in the waters are epic heroes
Rights and wrongs are pebbles along Asura Road
Remaining forever is the mountain greenness
Brushed in rouge by dusk glows
white-haired villagers sing their lives in a melody tune
Everlasting is spring breeze and autumn moon
Bringing out a pot of rice wine for the return of friend lost
Long stories are told in a cheerful toast.
其二: 灞柳译 With the wooshing waves deceased, The Yangzi river is rambling towards the east. Away the names of the heros were faded. Right or wrong, success or failure, were all turned into waste Only the green mountains stand, Seeing off the splendid of the sunset.
Having witnessed the always changing autumn moon and spring wind, the hoary headed fishermen and woodcuters living on the islet, Greet me with a jug of crude wine in our happy encounter. All the things that have past, Are gone with our chatter and Laughter. |