前不久看了电影《Australia》。此片上映时,澳洲方面做了广泛的宣传。我本人并不是很喜欢这部电影:为了政治上的正确,此片加进了太多的元素,从而使该片失去了鲜明的主题。不过,这部电影还是很好地展现了澳大利亚风光, 特别是Red Centre 的辽阔和粗犷。其实,除了Red Centre之外,澳大利亚四周环海,几千公里的海岸线是她的另一最为壮丽的景色。
With digital photography, post processing (PP) is an essential stage to produce a final result. So all my photos, as well all other serious photographers, have been processed in Photoshop or other software. But taking the photo is the most fundamental stage to produce a good result.
I see, thank you for the information. Are most landscape pictures nowadays being Photoshopped? Are most of yours being Photoshopped? I've never used Photoshop.
Flyingfinn, thanks for viewing. Making green boats stand out has two reasons: a bit under exposure of the foreground (correct exposure on the sky), then add a bit (not more than 10 units) green color saturation in Photoshop.