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美国移民.绿卡.签证申请,EB1A, EB1B, NIW,O1,L1,H1B,www.greencardapply.com, www.greencardfamily.com  
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EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之2: Extraordinary Ability Green Card 2009-05-18 19:45:02

EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之2: Extraordinary Ability

The term "extraordinary ability" is defined by USCIS as "a level of expertise indicating that the individual is one of that small percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor".
The initial evidence which must be submitted should establish that the alien "has sustained national or international acclaim and that his or her achievements have been recognized in the field of expertise." Extraordinary ability aliens fall within the employment-based first preference.

The requirements for the first preference classification are as follows:

a) the alien has extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation;

b) the alien seeks to enter the United States to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability; and

c) the alien's entry into the United States will substantially benefit prospectively the United States.The EB1-Extraordinary Ability category provides the alien with the same immigration benefits as the EB2 National Interest Waiver, but without the need to prove that the alien's work is in the national interest of the United States.

An EB1-Extraordinary Ability petition has strong evidentiary requirements which include the following:

1) The alien must have a demonstrated ability through sustained national or international acclaim; and

2) This extraordinary ability must be recognized in the alien's field through extensive documentation.

For more information, please also visit: www.greencardapply.com/ea.htm, and www.greencardapply.com/ea/ea_whatis.htm


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注册日期: 2009-05-19
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· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之3: Gree
· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之2: Extr
· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之1: Thre
· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之3: Gree
· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之2: Extr
· EB1A 特殊人才绿卡系列之1: Thre
2009-05-18 - 2009-05-18
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