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蜂王浆,蜂花粉 & 蜂胶 2006-10-30 11:27:47

Royal Jelly - The exclusive food of the queen bee is often referred to as the longevity food since the queen bee, although genetically identical to worker bees, outlives them by a factor of 40 to 1. This mysterious food contains the greatest known concentration of pantothenic acid, the anti aging vitamin, which reverses imbalances in the body's chemistry. Hormonal and chemical imbalances are causes of stress, anxiety, and overeating.

Bee Propolis - A rich source of B vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids. As a natural antibiotic it has no equal. It stimulates the thymus gland to produce more white blood cells, which the body uses to rid itself of viruses, poisons and other metabolic waste products. When our immune system is strong, the result is health rather than illness.

Bee Pollen - Often referred to as natures perfect food. With 96 known nutrients, it is a rich dietary source of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. It can energize you, give you a sense of well being, increase your intellectual capacity and close any nutritional gaps in your diet.

Royal Jelly里主要是10-HDA这个东西最金贵,作用最大。要买Royal Jelly的粉或者胶囊或者其他种类的蜂王浆产品,主要看Royal Jelly的含量和10-HDA的含量。一般Fresh蜂王浆含2%10-HDA,而有些胶囊作成浓缩的,可以含很高的10-HDA。

流坛一个8岁小孩的妈妈说她喝蜂蜜+芦荟是她保持身材的葵花宝典 -


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