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非洲新冠病毒疫情不严重的原因是啥? 2021-09-26 05:07:55

非洲国家防疫相对成功的原因用一句话总结,就是因为这些国家无意识地采取了‘群体化学防护’(Herd chemo-protection)。

Why COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Severe in Africa?


COVID-19 Pandemic in African countries seems not severe, which has puzzled many scientists.

Based on our anti-viral pandemic theory, any drugs with genotoxic side effects could be used to prevent COVID-19 [1][2]. The main reason why COVID-19 pandemic is not severe in Africa is because most people in African countries are taking different drugs all year round to prevent or treat various infectious diseases, such as malaria, filariasis, and HIV infection etc. All these drugs have more or less genotoxic side effects and thus could be effective to prevent COVID-19. This phenomenon is quite like mass drug administration for preventing COVID-19. In a word, the anti-pandemic success in Africa is attributed to unintended mass prophylactic-drug administration.


Large portion of population becoming immune to an infectious disease is called herd immunity which can block the disease transmission within the population. Similarly, large portion of population taking prophylactic drugs against an infectious disease could be named as ‘herd chemo-protection’ which can also block the disease transmission within the population. Compared to herd immunity, ‘herd chemo-protection’ is easier to achieve.  Unfortunately, in this world-wide anti-COVID-19 battle led by WHO, mass prophylactic-drug administration or ‘herd chemo-protection’ has been neglected. 


In conclusion, to end COVID-19 pandemic, ‘herd chemo-protection’ is equally important as herd immunity, which is something we have to learn from African countries.


[1] Li, G. D. (2020) Non-Carcinogenic Genotoxic Drugs Could Be Used to Prevent and Treat COVID-19. Open Access Library Journal7: e6536.

[2] Li, G. D. (2020) Taking Paracetamol and Vitamin C or Ibuprofen and Vitamin C Every Day Could Be a Simple Way to Prevent COVID-19

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34686.61769/7



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· “燃放烟花爆竹除疫” 的理论机制
· 非洲新冠病毒疫情不严重的原因是
· 海外华人学者提出一个划时代防治
· 生姜防感冒病毒和防新冠病毒的理
· “燃放烟花爆竹除疫” 的理论机制
· 海外华人学者提出一个划时代防治
· 我们能研究出防制所有病毒的万能
· “燃放烟花爆竹除疫” 的机制
· 生姜防感冒
· 非洲新冠病毒疫情不严重的原因是
· 板蓝根防治多种病毒感染的作用机
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