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我在中国宜昌拍摄的路边人生百态 2007-04-18 13:33:29
浏览(3594) (3) 评论(13)
作者:Willie 留言时间:2007-04-20 11:01:09
There is nothing to argue about, becasue the title says "路边人生百态".

Many "路边人" are not residents in the city, they come from the rural or countryside and looking for better chances in the city. it is quite common in a middle level city in China.

If you go to Beijing or Shanghai, I bet you can shot similar pictures, because there are millions of migrating labourers in Beijing and Shanghai.
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作者:kkt 留言时间:2007-04-20 10:44:29

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作者:Kcho1348 留言时间:2007-04-20 08:37:29
These pcitures could be taken from any city, including Beijing and Shanghai. Believe me, there are many corners in Beijing and Shanghai look exactly the same as these pictures....
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作者:好诱人的街头小吃 留言时间:2007-04-20 03:57:53
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作者:XT 留言时间:2007-04-19 22:12:22
Nothing to be shamed. This is real China.

We really don't need to pretend all places in China look like Shanghai or Beijing.

We are a country with GDP of $2000 USD, but the government (and the people as well) are building more highways, metro squares, and tall buildings. Every year, more and more luxuries, expensive cars and merchandise flowing into China. The government and the rich don't really care about ordinary people's lives like education, housing, and health care.

Are we still proud of our motherland?
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作者:路过的 留言时间:2007-04-19 20:10:47
I didn't see anything wrong with these pictures. I see similar scenes in my hometown 2. Yeah, it is only about a special group of population; but how special? I guess most of people in china are living a similar life...
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作者:kai 留言时间:2007-04-19 20:08:10
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作者:kai 留言时间:2007-04-19 19:52:43
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作者:ET 留言时间:2007-04-19 19:26:52
I am a Hubei lao and my uncle is in Yichang. It is a nice city. If you have money to stay in nice hotels and do some sight-seeing, please post some nice pictures about Hubei or other Chinese cities. We all have seen these road-side scenes 20 years ago...
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作者:浮萍 留言时间:2007-04-19 17:54:40
我不知道你为什么要把这样的照片放在网上, 是嘲笑, 还是好奇? 宜昌是一个美丽的城市. 我是宜昌人. 我想你的家乡也有如此的一面.
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作者:我家在宜昌 留言时间:2007-04-19 14:34:47
仅仅是一面, 宜昌其实是个很美丽的中等城市。
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作者:我家在宜昌 留言时间:2007-04-19 14:34:47
仅仅是一面, 宜昌其实是个很美丽的中等城市。
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作者: 留言时间:2007-04-18 15:20:02
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