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US Immigration & Green Card Application, www.greencardapply.com, www.greencardfamily.com  
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The Social Security Number & Eligibility 2009-11-30 19:48:01

1. What is the Social Security Number

A Social Security Number is an important identifying number issued by the Social Security Administration through a Social Security Card. A Social Security Card usually contains a Social Security Number, the name to whom the card/number is issued, and annotation of the conditions for employment. Social Security Numbers have been used by government agencies, credit checking systems, schools, healthcare systems, insurance and many other institutes as the major personal identification information.

A Social Security number will assist in obtaining social security benefits, a driver’s license, credit cards, home loans, accessing to insurance and healthcare system, attending schools, etc. In addition, it is also an important and required part of employment authorization and is required on the I-9 form for employment eligibility verification. However, since only certain individuals can legally work in the U.S. there are three different types of Social Security Cards that vary depending on the citizenship and immigrant legal status of the individual.

2. The Non-restricted Social Security Cards

Nonrestricted Social Security Cards are issued to individuals who have authorization to work indefinitely in the U.S. This group includes U.S. Citizens, legal permanent residents, refugees and those granted asylum. This type of card is valid for use on the I-9 forms and allows the individual to work in the U.S. without restriction. The card bears only the individual’s name and Social Security Number. Both U.S. Citizens and permanent residents who apply for a Social Security Card will need to submit proof of legal status when they apply with Social Security Administration.

3. The Restricted Eligibility Social Security Cards

Aliens with work authorization from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be issued a restricted card.

These cards bear the individual’s name and Social Security number but are marked with the phrase “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION.” Individuals who receive this card are allowed to work legally only with DHS authorization and are limited to employment allowed by their DHS authorization. Aliens who are eligible include those whose status allows them to work under certain conditions such as F-1, J-1 or M-1 students or H-1 or H-2 workers.. For example, an H-1B status holder is able to use his/her Social Security Card for employment only with the employer who petitioned on his/her behalf. The alien would not be allowed to secure other work with his restricted card unless he received other permission from DHS.

F-1 students are allowed to engage in part time campus work with their status. Thus, the Social Security Administration will issue SSN only to those F-1 students who received on campus job offers or F-1 students with DHS special authorization documents, such as EAD. Those with J-1 status must provide a letter from their sponsor verifying their employment along with their application for a Social Security Card.

Restricted Social Security Cards are also issued to aliens who receive DHS permission to work with Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). For example, a J-2 spouse of an exchange visitor is not automatically authorized to work with his/her status. However the spouse is eligible to apply for an EAD with DHS. In addition, EAD is also available to F-1 students through an Optional Practice Program (OPT). Furthermore, an I-485 applicant is eligible to receive derivative EAD benefits while the adjustment case is pending. Once the EAD is approved, the alien beneficiary can apply for a restricted Social Security Card. http://www.greencardapply.com/news/news09/news09_0812.htm


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來自: http://www.greencardapply.com
註冊日期: 2009-08-23
訪問總量: 985,590 次
· 特朗普總統控制雇用H-1B工人的行
· With Pending I-485 Application
· 計算機程序員申請H1B的政策更改
· My Current J1 Status Will Expi
· 移民局將臨時暫停所有H-1B申請
· 可以在美國境外為美國綠卡Self-
· 美國公民申請和良好的道德品格
【I-140 Aplication】
· EB-1C受益人必須在國外從事管理
· EB3升級到EB2綠卡申請案例
· 移民申請 - 雇主的支付能力的證
· 仔細檢查ETA9089表的所有信息非
· 我的I-485申請待決。我可以離開
· I-140申請拒絕之後重新打開或重
· 外國勞工證簽證系統 - iCERT
· 企業家的EB2國家利益豁免綠卡申
· 經過PERM申請審批,I-140職業移
· 如果我的I-140被拒絕?我的I-485
【I-485 Application】
· With Pending I-485 Application
· EB-1A和NIW申請不需要填寫I-485
· I-485申請補充J表格申請
· 我將符合I-485表格申請調整地位
· 監督招聘的PERM勞工證
· 外國人申請人的工作職責必須為表
· Chargeability Rule to File For
· 表格I-485綠卡申請的背景調查
· 醫學證據 - 什麼條件下會使得一
· 回美證的申請 - 以免放棄綠卡
【EB1 Outstanding Research】
· EB1傑出研究員綠卡申請需要雇主
· EB1傑出研究員或教授申請和就業"
· EB1傑出教授或研究人員綠卡申請
· EB-1傑出研究人員和教授卡申請
· 職業移民的移民法案在參議院的重
· EB-1綠卡申請分析 (第1部分)- K
· 優秀研究員/傑出教授綠卡申請的
· 分析美國移民局對綠卡申請證據的
· 美國綠卡申請的三個理想選擇
· 傑出的研究員或教授綠卡申請終身
【NIW-National Interest】
· My Current J1 Status Will Expi
· Dhanasar決定對企業家國家利息豁
· 如何滿足EBN NIW申請的Dhanasar
· AAO發布的新國家利息豁免決定的
· J-1簽證持有者NIW申請的兩年祖國
· EB2國家利益豁免綠卡申請 - 使用
· 綠卡申請的證據和拒絕
· 我怎麼能符合國家利益豁免申請的
· 外國醫師申請美國永久居留
· 如何應對EB2國家利益豁免申請RFE
【EB1-Extraordinary Ability】
· My Current J1 Status Will Expi
· 我可以同時申請EB1和EB2 NIW綠卡
· EB1 和 EB2 NIW 移民申請服務計
· EB-1A非凡能力綠卡申請標準分析
· 申請美國綠卡 - EB-1A標準分析
· EB1傑出人才綠卡申請的法律標準
· EB1 綠卡申請的推薦信
· 雇主為跨國公司EB1執行或經理綠
· 移民局審裁官審理EA-1A綠卡申請
· EB1傑出人才審查期刊文章的證據
【Marriage Green Card】
· 美國公民申請和良好的道德品格
· 永久居民的配偶的 Following-To-
· 美國公民寡婦的移民
· 有條件永久居民的受虐配偶豁免
· 永久居民配偶的"Following-To-Jo
· 如果我等待在美國重新結婚,該
· 聯合提交USCIS表格I-751與麻煩的
· 如果我的父母想長期在美國居住,
· 我可以在美國境內贊助我父親的移
· Can I File Divorce in My Home
【Visa: F1, H1, L1, O1】
· 特朗普總統控制雇用H-1B工人的行
· 計算機程序員申請H1B的政策更改
· 附加證據和初步證據的差異
· F-1學生的H-1B申請後的延期和就
· 特朗普總統的移民行政命令和H1B
· 在PERM申請批准後,I-140申請流
· 為什麼USCIS對H-1B,L-1或O-1簽
· 我可以在美國延長我的非移民簽
· 同一雇主多個L-1簽證的申請
· O-1簽證申請
【Immigration News】
· 移民局將臨時暫停所有H-1B申請
· 可以在美國境外為美國綠卡Self-
· USCIS提高了大多數類型移民申請
· ICE監測 "學生和交流訪問者計劃"
· 移民局已停止電子申請系統
· 外國醫師申請美國永久居留
· 美國永久居民妻子的移民簽證申請
· EB1傑出人才綠卡 申請 - 留在相
· K-1簽證的好處及條件
· 職業移民的移民法案在參議院的重
【Immigration Questions】
· 保薦人需要做什麼來開始移民申請
· How to Assemble and Send My RF
· 可以在我的PERM勞工認證申請中使
· Limited CSPA Coverage for K-2
· 父母調整身份在美國得到綠卡
· 兄弟/姐妹獲得如何移民簽證?
· PERM勞工證申請
· 我自己可以申請美國綠卡?
· 勞工證申請 - 避免I-140申請問題
· 領事處理 - 另一個美國綠卡的主
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