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I am do the longevity lifestyle specimen master tutor never be fake  
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These questions cost your much more 2022-02-09 05:53:14

Health Maintenance details:

One: What is health?

Two: Is Health measurable?

Three: Why is it necessary to maintain health?

Fourth: Which factors affect your health?

Five: Why is exercise necessary to maintain your health?

Six: What is nutrition?

Seven: What is the attitude?

Eight: Why rest is necessary for health maintenance?

Nine: What is the best way to rest?

Ten: Nutritional intake amount and timing?

Eleven: Where does the toxin come from?

Twelve: When should you start your health maintenance?

Thirteen: What is digestion and absorption?

Fourteen: What kind of sports is suitable for the elderly?

Fifteen: Ambient temperature? Does it affect your


Every one of the aforementioned questions or problems has been tested by my own experiment!


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Longevitytutor ,65岁
来自: China mainland
注册日期: 2022-02-09
访问总量: 4,854 次
· Do you want to be healthy hund
· These questions cost your much
· The health or nothing 要么健康
【Healthy longevity】
· Do you want to be healthy hund
· These questions cost your much
· The health or nothing 要么健康
2022-02-09 - 2022-02-10
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