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Historia Augusta  
Different Aspects of Living  
Requiem for Newland BBS 2006-11-06 15:08:37

The place still exists, but its glory days are long past...

I came to the place when the Military board was overwhelmed by traffic from the politics board.  It was small enough that everyone got to know each other.  It is not to say that everyone got along or even respected each other, but it was then always a fun place to BS and procrastinate the day away.  


Ultimately, a place on the Net is only as good as the people who are around.  Some of the cast of characters as I remember them:


FADS/FUUNNY – The resident military history expert.  Always can count on him to give a detailed report on xyz engagement during the Korean War, and any Linux questions you may have.


Gadfly/Panzifaust/etc – The only Chinese Nazi I’ve met so far.  Intensely fond of German and Japanese WWII code of ethics, he claims to be a survivalist and an expert with guns.  Amongst his dreams are creation of homelands for Chinese in US Pacific Northwest, and Australia; and a return to Mao era politics in China.  Unfortunately, his dreadful sense of history and his predictable aliases make the debate not so interesting. 


Karma – one of the few peace makers on the board.  Admirable; however, as with all the peacemakers, her efforts were doomed to failure.


rd – The resident angry youth, the anti-kinch.  Verbal battles between RD and I reached epic length.  His youthful idealism is rather admirable.  It was a sad day indeed when he quit the BBS.  He did make a few returns, but he was never up to his old self again. 


Oops – One of the exports of the tea house.  She can put all the fish mongers to shame if she applies herself.


Bigfatball – likes to act like a big brother but lacks the heart to be one.  Loves to instruct newbie and analyze people’s MJ.  Notorious for not finishing the numerous stories he starts. 


Isadora and fritz – These two are more responsible for the length of my stay in the BBS.  They deserve more than an entry in a list.  In summary, they act like they are an old married couple.  Isadora tried in vain to save me from my evil ways, but alas, the darkness was too much of her. Fritz is the only person I’ve talk to over the net that I have met in person.  More might be written about them in the future.  

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作者:Boy 留言时间:2007-11-24 21:38:43
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作者:Merlin 留言时间:2007-11-24 21:38:35
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作者:Miss 留言时间:2007-11-24 21:38:23
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作者:JXL 留言时间:2007-11-24 21:38:17
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作者:name 留言时间:2007-11-15 00:26:17
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作者:name 留言时间:2007-11-15 00:26:11
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作者:name 留言时间:2007-11-15 00:25:57
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作者:name 留言时间:2007-11-15 00:25:43
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作者:Western Express 留言时间:2007-11-08 18:19:48
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Kinch ,52岁
来自: California, US
注册日期: 2006-10-25
访问总量: 110,890 次
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2006-11-01 - 2006-11-17
2006-10-27 - 2006-10-31
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