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Dare to be ridiculous – 大言不惭 2011-02-25 15:18:56

“The process of getting there is the quality of being there”Attracting abundance


I’m co-author with current my client on a book. It is about the transformations of both of us through the iPEC coaching process. The beta version of the title is “From survive to thrive when the East meets the West”. The subtitle is “A journey of 12 weeks of Transformation: Mastery of conscious thought”.


The essence of the project is to inspire and connect with others, and to experience the unified power as one. If you feel inspired by this message, that a Broken-English speaking woman is aiming for a #1 best selling book, please say YES to acknowledge my already accomplished success, for the success will be measured by how many we inspired and how many we connected through the process. The quality of the process will be expressed through courage, joy, love, wisdom, and power to manifest.


I’m writing this note to face my gremlin: the fear, the little voice inside me, saying “you are not good enough”, the little creature always tries to protect and pull me back from my adventure:


Dare to share,

Dare to be vulnerable,

Dare to be imperfect,

Dare to be ridiculous,

Dare to be me

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