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全网公告 2022-03-07 21:49:42



鑒於當下疫情嚴重,中國和各國交惡 防止中國斷網,國內的網絡不能留存, 憂慮自己或感染病毒或打疫苗或死於其他原因,決定在國際互聯網上留下足跡 希望網站方面不要刪除我的賬號,他日,我如遭不測死之後這個賬號作為紀念,希望永久保留


中國資深宅男 啃老族人士 非著名的新黑五類(弱勢群體 無黨派民主人士) 居家十余年

 法號 常弘 洛珠嘉措 

烹飪:煎雞蛋 炒土豆片西紅柿,炒雞蛋 煮餃子 面條 餛飩 豆角燉肉 

外文名字: 喬治.亞伯拉罕.托馬斯.西奧多.特斯拉.馬斯克.唐納德.羅德.潘恩

Adam. Arthur. Caesar /Vladimir. Ilich. Man out Granovsky / Dover Emeritus of Economics. Yaboyahan. Luonilin /Grammy. Haier /فرجينيا. الياور. لورانس/ドラゴンの島Tarou/宇宙公正な男性の中では/Владимир. Ильича. Человек ЛевскиVathia

川崎山剛夫( 青山剛昌 ,平山郁夫 ,東山魁夷 川端康成 三島由紀夫,橫山大觀,鶴野剛士等)

性別:男   宗教:佛教 籍貫:龍口 年齡:49 星座:獅子 血型:o文化:初中  

 喜歡的食品:火鍋 涼拌苦菊菜   生日:1978723


齲齒肥胖近視散光 體質弱 耳朵有時聽不請話 塌鼻梁上有疤' 薄 齒腸胃不好 心肌炎 高血脂 脂肪肝 八字腳 有點不講個人衛生 ) 四級殘疾 智商 社交恐懼障礙公共場合恐懼癥 性格內向自閉 理解能力差,重度脂肪肝肥胖癥等大腦發育不良心室傳導阻滯腦積水


愛好:聽評書卡通片..寫詩;寫些評論文章 喜歡聽的歌曲:新鴛鴦蝴蝶夢救姻緣等 桃花謠

網名:中國第壹鷹派;chinakawkisn;紫薇劍張無極 當今國士

喜歡玩的遊戲:光榮三 大富翁 中華壹番客棧 百鬼夜宴 仙劍奇俠傳軒轅劍

喜歡的人: 叢飛 伊能靜

喜歡的美女:張延陳慧珊鄺文郇佘詩曼/蘇菲瑪索李盛辛楊露姜巖陳慧琳何晴 高圓圓  沈星 周海媚趙雅芝周濤吳小莉吳麗李小冉吉雪萍金巧巧孫悅孫菲菲賈靜雯 彭丹陳法蓉 徐靜蕾 馬孟庭葦 王思懿 王小丫 伊能靜 孫燕姿 戀足癖

2精神伴侶: 佘詩曼 丁柳元 

崇尚之人: 特朗普. 華盛頓  蔣介石 誌永許

 願望: 自由撰稿人 作家 詩人,病毒防疫

政治:認同自由主義,民主主義,激進保守主義 ,改良主義 ,憲政主義,六民主義(民族民主民權民治民享民有),定義自由派,民主派,改良派,憲政派,右派,激進改革派


讓中國和美國壹樣偉大, 中國人優先

對外親美親西方, 主張和美國及西方民主國中國家聯盟 聯合日韓,收回失落的國土


Whole network announcement

In view of the current serious epidemic situation, China and other countries are fighting to prevent China from disconnecting the Internet. The domestic Internet cannot be retained. I am worried that I may be infected with a virus or vaccinated or died of other reasons. I decided to leave a footprint on the Internet and hope that the website will not delete my account. In the future, if I die by accident, this account will be used as a memorial, and I hope to keep it forever

   Name: Zhang Mijie, with the word Bohao

Senior Chinese otaku gnaws on old people, non-famous new black category five (vulnerable groups, non-party democrats), has lived at home for more than ten years

Previous name: Zhang Bihong (original name) Zhang Yudi, law name Chang Hong   Luo Zhu Jiacuo  

Cooking: Fried Eggs, Fried Potato Chips, Tomatoes, Scrambled Eggs, Boiled Dumplings, Noodles, Wontons, Bean Stew

Foreign name: George Abraham Thomas Theodore Trump

George Abraham Paine George Abraham Gates

(Taken from George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Paine)

Adam. Arthur. Caesar /Vladimir. Ilich. Man out Granovsky / Dover Emeritus of Economics. Yaboyahan. Luonilin /Grammy. Haier /فرجينيا. الياور. لورانس/ドラゴンの島Tarou/Cosmos Justice な男の中ではими. Человек ЛевскиVathia

Takeo Kawayama (Gosho Aoyama, Ikuo Hirayama, Kaii Higashiyama, Yasunari Kawabata Yukio Mishima, Daikan Yokoyama, Takeshi Tsuruno)

Gender: Male Religion: Buddhism   Birthplace: Longkou   Age: 49   Constellation: Lion Blood type: Culture: Junior high school  

 Favorite food: hot pot, meat, cold bitter chrysanthemum, birthday: July 23, 1978;


Dental caries, obesity, myopia, astigmatism, physique, weak ears, sometimes unpleasant words, there are scars on the bridge of the nose,' thin teeth, poor gastrointestinal myocarditis, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, a little bit of personal hygiene) fourth-degree disability, IQ, social phobia, public phobia, introverted personality Poor understanding ability, severe fatty liver, obesity and other cerebral dysplasia, ventricular block, hydrocephalus

2 Occupation: Unemployed Residence: Nanji Street, Daowai District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Graduation School: Harbin Nan'an School/53 Middle School (there is no more) 

The pseudonym is the lonely student / Liu Guhong / Long Wuji / the wild husband of the mountain / the rivers and lakes of life / Zong Jiarongchen / Adam Arthur, the host of Aiyan / Fang Juehen nicknamed the big maggot (named because of playing with the big maggot in the toilet )

Hobbies: listening to storytelling cartoons.. writing poems; writing commentary articles   favorite songs: new mandarin ducks, butterflies, dreams, marriage, etc. Peach Blossom Ballad

Screen name: China's first hawk; chinakawkisn; Ziwei sword Zhang Wuji   current state scholar

Favorite game: Glorious Three, Monopoly   Zhonghua Yifan Inn   Hundred Ghosts Night Banquet, Fairy Sword and Qi Xia Chuan Xuanyuan Sword

Favorite people: Cong Fei, Chen Yuxiang, Yi Nengjing

Favorite beauties: Zhang Yan, Chen Huishan, Kwong Wen, Charmaine Sheh/Sophie Marceau, Li Shengxin, Yang Lu, Jiang Yan, Chen Huilin, He Qing, Gao Yuanyuan, Shen Xing, Zhou Haimei, Zhao Yazhi, Zhou Tao, Wu Xiaoli, Wu Li, Li Xiaoran, Ji Xueping, Jin Qiaoqiao, Sun Yue, Sun Feifei, Jia Jingwen, Peng Dan, Chen Farong, Xu Jinglei, Ma Meng Ting, Wang Siyi, Wang Xiaoyineng, Xiaoyineng.

2Spiritual partner: Charmaine Sheh Ding Liuyuan 

Advocates: Trump, Washington, Chiang Kai-shek, Yuan Li, Sun Haiying, Zhiyongxu, Yu Jianrong, Liu Xiaobo, etc.

 Wish: Freelance writer, writer, poet, virus prevention

Politics: identity liberalism, democracy, radical conservatism, reformism, constitutionalism, six people's principles (national democracy, civil rights, the people rule the people and the people enjoy the people), define liberals, democrats, reformers, constitutionalists, rightists, radical reformers

Values: freedom, democracy, human rights, constitutionalism, rule of law, equality, justice, equal wealth, fraternity

No objection to Hong Kong's independence. Recognition of the Republic of China is regarded as Zhengshuo. Oppose the mainland's attack on Taiwan



Make China as great as the United States, Chinese people first

Internal propositions: democratic politics, implementation of constitutional government, local autonomy, judicial independence, separation of powers, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, multi-party rotation system, nationalization of the military, hope that China will become a democratic and civilized country

Being pro-American and pro-Western, advocating the alliance with the United States and Western democracies and China, uniting Japan and South Korea, and reclaiming the lost land

Realize China's greatest interests.




自從71以來中國大陸互聯網封鎖日益嚴重 科學上網非常不易 鄙人擔心有朝壹日會斷網或徹底變成國家局域網,為防萬壹 本人從現在起向國際互聯網征集海外互聯網賬戶委托代理人,受本人委托運營代管我的所有海外網絡賬號。



1非中國人 海外華人 定居中國以外的國家可以自由上網,不會來中國



4知名人士 有已經認證的社交賬號 提供下列資料




2網絡聯系方式包括email 土豆電報等聯系方式










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