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A talk on cyber-security today 2010-03-25 20:51:20
March 25 2010
Today, a guy from Google inc. gave a talk on cybersecurity in the smart grid, the cloud computing system, and also the efficient energy system.  The main message from him is that the cybersecurity is an crucial topic nowadays and we, as students, researchers, or entrepreneurs , should choose to work on this exciting area.
One interesting point he made is about the idea of an electronic wallet.   The current paper bills and coins are wasting a lot of energy and natural resources.  The main problem which prevents its potential application is the consumer confidence and also the privacy issue, which is directly related to the cybersecutiy.
He mentioned the attacks that google.cn have got in January, and also the slogan 'do not be evil'. 


he asked the audience to raise their hands if they have bloggs. Not many hands were raised. He said it was a shame that not many people in this room are writting boggers. That is why I am putting my writings here.
Hope this is informative to you. Thanks for your stopping by, and please let me know if you have any comments.
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注册日期: 2009-10-24
访问总量: 7,250 次
· The 1st speech : the ice break
· A talk on cyber-security today
· Why I open this blog
【My toastmaster speeches】
· The 1st speech : the ice break
【Tech & Science】
· A talk on cyber-security today
【Opening remark】
· Why I open this blog
2010-03-25 - 2010-03-25
2010-02-07 - 2010-02-07
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