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纪念同窗何轶 2009-11-16 23:27:07

Ken and Anthony



20039MBA新生指南的课间,我和Ken站在Bloomberg实时财经信息大屏幕前关于投资还是投机进行了一次有趣的谈话:他说他更喜欢牛奶(指垃圾债券之父Milken)而不是自助餐(Warren Buffett)。他用戏谑的方式表达了他的投资哲学,这是我第一次领教他的幽默感。那年Ken27


Ken聪慧勤勉。也许是他没用获得的一系列入学奖学金请我吃饭的缘故吧,我对他GMAT700(TOP95%)并不印象深刻。但他永远是我最愿意选择的group member,在得到任何小组作业的头24小时之内,我只需美美地睡上一觉,因为我知道总会有一份立意新颖逻辑清晰署名何轶的作业置于案头。唯一的不足是如果不加删减地采用他的部分,教授可能会因为篇幅过长扣掉些许分数。


我总认为与Ken聊天如同一场超现实对经典主义的批判,因为他的幽默机智总是能将平凡的话题解构成毕加索式的出乎意料和捧腹大笑。他乐于助人,从来不吝于提出中肯的建议。充满热情和乐观精神,他的魅力让他成为朋友中的焦点。即使在2007年他得上这种被称为Stills Disease 的疾病被迫长期服用激素,原本高大俊朗的外形破坏诒尽时,他总是略带自微笑地说又多吃了三五碗。









It is with profound sorrow and disbelief that we share the news of the death of He, Yi(Ken). Ken passed away peacefully at Foothills Hospital on November 12 at the age of 33 years. Ken is survived by his wife, Wong, Yuet Ming, his son Anthony, age 3 and his daughter Allison, age 1.
Ken was educated at South China University of Technology and obtained his MBA degree at University of Calgary. Ken was passionate about his career as a Project Controls Specialist at Jacobs of Calgary. Ken kept his love and responsibilities to his family and company to the very end. His voice and smile will be sorely missed by everyone around him.
Although his life was cut short, it was lived with gentleness, kindness, joy, quiet humour, wit, richness, integrity, and pure love. Ken’s warm-hearted nature and overflowing love for family and friends near and far will be remembered by all those whose lives he touched.
A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday November 21, 2009 at 2:00 pm., at
Forster’s Garden Chapel Funeral Home & Crematorium
3220-4th Street NW, Calgary AB
Telephone 403-297-0888 
In lieu of flowers, memorial tributes can be made to Wong, Yuet Ming to support Ken’s wife and his two young children, or a charity of your voice. Donation box will be set up during funeral. 
P.S. no donation receipt available. 

P.S. If one wishes to make tributes through mail, he or she may send email to anthonyallisonhe@gmail.com

--2005 MBA Chinese Graduates

另附Ken在他人生不同阶段的一些幸福照片.  这里还有更多的照片:here.Ken


Ken and wife, 2002

Ken, Ming and Anthony

Ken, Ming and Anthony


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