我以一个12年的911中心义务翻译员的身份,鼓励符合条件的华人们参与。 美国之音招聘中文广播员,研究员和网络技术员 总部在美国首都华盛顿的美国之音招聘合约制的新闻记者和网络研发员 ** 应聘广播员必须具备良好的中英文能力并熟悉中国事务。工作内容包括广播/电视报道,翻译、撰写,播报或制作粤语或普通话(国语)报道。应聘人必须能讲标准的粤语或普通话(国语),具备广播音质,良好的中英文能力并熟悉时事。具有新闻从业能力者为优先考虑。应聘人还需要参加试音。 ** 应聘研究员必须了解时事并具备中翻英以及撰写英文的能力。 ** 网络研发员工作内容包括计划网站的实施与维护。应聘网络研发员还必须具有开发和制作优质网页内容的工作经验。 应聘网络研发员必须具备下列条件:
• 至少一年使用JAVA, JAVAScript和Flash开发网站的经验; • 处理数据库的经验; • 使用xHTML/HTML和CSS的经验; • 使用Photoshop,Illustrator,Dreamweaver; • 使用Adobe Premiere,Final Cut Pro和其他视频编辑软件; • 既能独自又能和团队一起有效地应付多重任务; • 具有流利的普通话包括写作和口语; • 具有良好的沟通技巧; • 熟悉国际新闻。 所有申请合约制工作的应聘人都必须参加考试。持有合法工作签证的非美国公民也可以应聘。
应聘人联络方式: 电邮信息:chrecruit@voanews.com 或是传真(202)382-5773
The VOICE OF AMERICA seeks journalists and web developers on a contract basis in Washington, D.C. Strong Chinese and English skills and knowledge of China required.
Radio/TV broadcasters report, translate, write, voice or produce reports in Cantonese or Mandarin. Must have native ability in standard Cantonese or Mandarin, a good voice, strong English skills and knowledge of current affairs. Journalism skills preferred. Voice audition required.
Researchers should understand current affairs, translate from Chinese to English and write original English content.
Web developers plan implement and maintain sites. Experience in developing and delivering high-quality web products and on-site work required.
• At least one year of professional experience developing websites using Java, JavaScript, Flash • Experience working with relational databases • xHTML/HTML and CSS • Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver • Premiere CS4, Final Cut Pro and other video editing software • Work effectively on multiple tasks both independently and as a team • Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, both writing and speaking • Demonstrate excellent communication skills • Familiar with international news
An examination will be required for all freelance procurement opportunities. Non-citizens holding an appropriate visa with work authorization may apply.
Email: chrecruit@voanews.com or fax to (202) 382-5773. |