人體170種以上的新陳代謝活動都與鈣有關,補充鈣非常重要。人進入中年以後,性激素下降,鈣流失增多,容易造成關節疼痛、類風濕病。老年人鈣吸收能力差,血鈣和骨鈣日益減少,容易引起骨質疏松癥。而骨質增生、頸椎病則往往是因為單純補鈣而引起甲狀旁腺亢進,不斷把骨鈣移到血液裏,使骨鈣和血鈣的比例失調,遊離鈣隨著血液流動堆積在骨上即為骨質增生,堆積在骨關節處即為骨刺。以軟骨損傷及骨質增生為特征的類風濕關節炎,通常被認為是一種基因缺陷病例,單純補鈣並無益處。補充锌、钼、鎂、硒、銅、鐵,可以修補人體基因缺陷;補充硼,可以增強性激素分泌,和減少鈣、鎂、磷的流失;補充锌、铜、有機鍺,可調節機體免疫功能,並有一定的抗炎、止痛作用。研究發現,微量元素鍶參與骨骼生長發育。當鍶代謝紊亂時,也會引起骨質疏松。缺銅時,骨骼發育會受到限制,表現為骨質疏松。有機鍺能提高骨細胞的活性,而氟元素對於改善老年性骨質疏松、防止骨折發病率有作用。由此可見,骨質疏松、骨質增生、骨刺、頸椎病及類風濕關節炎等病癥的發生,雖然与體內鈣的攝入不足有關,但是解決的辦法必須是均衡補充礦物元素。礦物質及微量元素對於健康非常重要,缺鍺、硒、鉬、鋰、錳者,易患癌癥;缺鎂、鉬、鈦、鎳、鈷、鈣、锌、鉻者,易患心血管疾病。 從無汙染的日本沖繩島海域所采集的特種珊瑚,與人體骨骼成份及分子結構十分相似,並含有七十多種人體所需的天然礦物質和微量元素。RBC Life Sciences將這些特殊珊瑚用Nanotechnology化解為納米微粒,研制而成Sango Coral Calcium(桑格珊瑚離子鈣)。它是一種有機生物活性鈣,裝於小茶包內,投入杯中泡水飲用,能迅速滲入骨髓,被人體細胞完全吸收,並使人體全身呈堿性。長期飲用,可活化DNA(去氧核糖核酸)和整個細胞,顯著改善微循環,恢復血液新陳代謝,使免疫抗體生成能力提高200%-400%。RBC Life Sciences之所以不把它加工成顆粒片劑或膠囊,是因為人們攝入片劑或膠囊之後需要產生胃酸來加以消化,而胃酸會減少Sango Coral Calcium發揮功效。當Sango Coral Calcium的小茶包置於水中,其活性礦物質得以釋放,從而無需消化,甚至在到達胃部之前已被吸收。每天沖泡一個小茶包Sango Coral Calcium,全天飲用,只需花費一美元,卻能換來長久的健康和充沛的精力。RBC Life Sciences會員每月訂購產品可終身享有30%的優惠價。您可以電話到RBC Life Sciences總部,先報上Associate ID:840217這個號碼,接線生就會幫助您完成註冊、訂貨手續。電話號碼是:1-800-350-9497或1-800-722-0444(講國語按4)。當然,您也可以從RBC Life Sciences總部網站上進行註冊、訂購,網址是:http://rbclife.com/me/info 。 Sango Coral Calcium在RBC Life Sciences總部網站上“SHOP NOW”欄目的“Essential Solutions”分類裏: https://www.rbclife.com/Me/Info/RBCCustom/CategoryView.aspx?Category=EssentialSolutions 位於美國德州Irving的RBC Life Sciences的前身是美國幾家資深的制藥公司和保健品公司(1997年在Nasdaq上市),迄今仍通過它的子公司MPM Medical Inc把藥品銷往全美1900多家藥局,並且已有幾十個國家給予進口許可證。先進的制藥設備和工藝,令人矚目的頂級科學家團隊,龐大的有機植物農場,以及日新月異的發明創造,使它具備了引領潮流的堅實基礎。RBC Life Sciences以尖端研發、新銳探索為風尚,早在十幾年前就已將Nanotechnology廣泛應用於營養品、護膚品生產,後來又在三十多道極其復雜的納米工序上獨創了Microhydrin技術以及劃時代的NanoClusters,把各種天然植物和礦物質分解為小分子微粒,能迅速被人體細胞完全吸收。RBC Life Sciences還對諾貝爾醫學獎獲得者們的學術成果及秘方加以應用和改進,日臻完善,連續十九年不斷地研發和推出一些遠遠領先於世界同行的新產品,比如可增強記憶力和改善睡眠的NeuroBright、調整免疫系統對抗疾病的Immune 360、超強抗氧化和抗衰老的Microhydrin Plus、取自深海藻類奧米茄的I.Q.DHA、含七十多種微量元素的離子鈣Sango Coral Calcium、對糖尿病人和癌癥化療病人有一定療效的OliViva以及保護心血管的Over30等等。RBC Life Sciences以優質藥品所要求的安全性、準確性和臨床有效性來生產保健品,所有產品均采用全天然原料,達到cGMP、FDA、NSF標準和認證,並持有USDA ORGANIC證書和Vegetarian Certificate證書,給使用者100% Satisfaction Guarantee。由於RBC Life Sciences集研發、原料、生產、銷售於一身,沒有中間商,不打廣告,實行用戶會員制,成本開支小,因而產品價格低廉。所有會員購買RBC Life Sciences產品,按不同等級可終身享有20%或30%的優惠價格。2009年8月RBC Life Sciences決定開啟全球市場,對分銷獎勵制度實行重大改革,使各地會員可從代理經銷RBC產品過程中輕易獲得永續豐厚回報,並有機會躋身百萬富豪行列。海外華人在申請註冊會員時,只要註明Enroller ID: 840217,便可成為RBC Life Sciences美國和加拿大最精銳團隊一員,從而長期獲得系統強有力的支持和免費培訓輔導(中英雙語服務),詳情可見RBC Life Sciences總部網站http://rbclife.com/me/info (在“My Store”欄目內有中文簡介)。 Sango Coral Calcium Nature's Perfect Balance of Minerals Key Benefits: - Alkalizes drinking water - Adds vital minerals to water - Helps hydrate - Reduces oxidized free radicals Sango Coral Calcium provides convenient sachets filled with the highest quality coral calcium and trace minerals. 100% pure ionized, trace minerals found under the sea off Okinawa, Japan. Directions: Place one unopened sachet into 1 to 2 liters of water (distilled or reverse osmosis water preferable). Gently stir or shake and drink throughout the day. When added to water, Sango Coral Calcium sachets release highly absorbable, bioavailable, marine-mineral ions to increase alkalinity, convert chlorine to a safer form, help keep the body hydrated and reduce oxidized free radicals. * Sango Coral Calcium can be mixed with any non-carbonated liquid. Sango Coral Calcium is collected from non-living deposits of coral granules found under the sea off the island of Okinawa, Japan. Only the finest premium grade Sango Coral, containing 100% pure ionized trace minerals, is used. Ecologically sound and technologically safe procedures are strictly followed in cooperation with the Japanese government for the protection of the coral reefs and marine life. 30 sachets – item 1530 Rt $ 40 US / rt $ 47 CAN 3 Ways to Save: (1) Preferred Customer 10% off retail. (2) Associate Wholesale 20% off retail. (3) Associate AutoShip 30% off Retail. Order by phone using Associate ID:840217 at 1-800-350-9497 or 1-800-722-0444 (Spanish, Chinese, English, Korean...) Also you can order online. RBC Life Sciences's Headquarters site is http://rbclife.com/me/info Get the Right Coral Calcium Marine Bio Co., Ltd. Sango Coral Calcium the one and only Original Patented Process Complete Mineral Complex from Okinawa 76 vegetable-sourced ocean minerals in proper proportion and correct ionic form After the many years of incredible success of the original Coral Calcium and the thousands of testimonials of miraculous results, every company under the sun had to jump on the bandwagon and come out with their own version. Many of these products are coral calcium in name only. Many of them do not come from Okinawa. Some of them actually do come from Okinawa but are not processed correctly. Okinawa is the only place in the world where Sango Coral lives, and Sango is the only species among thousands of species of coral that has the same mineral composition as human bone and the true life-giving qualities. Many of these immitation products do nothing at all; many do more harm than good. Don't make a mistake! Use only Marine Bio Sango Coral Calcium, the only true original, patented process, vegetable-sourced, ionic, complete and properly proportioned mineral complex from Okinawa. There is only one! 30 sachets - basic 30 day supply Sango Coral Calcium in the "Essential Solutions" classifications of the "SHOP NOW" section on RBC Life Sciences's Headquarters site. https://www.rbclife.com/Me/Info/RBCCustom/CategoryView.aspx?Category=EssentialSolutions |