荣耀属于乌克兰! (原创歌词) 乌云压城敌凶残, 人民意志坚如磐。 总统誓死守基辅, 自由属于乌克兰! 布查小镇腥风膻, 剧院平民丧黄泉。 夕照顿河如血染, 怒火燃烧乌克兰! 亚述堡垒不可摧, 巴赫姆特拒敌顽。 马齐耶夫钢铁汉, 视死如归乌克兰! 抗击侵略齐奋起, 联大决议重于山。 撤军赔偿惩战犯, 正义属于乌克兰! 第聂伯河滚滚前, 自由大道向明天。 血沃黑土黄花艳, 荣耀属于乌克兰! 英文大意: Glory belongs to Ukraine (original lyrics) Zhang Guangai, Shandong, China (now in Sydney, Australia) The Russian army is pressing towards Kiev like a dark cloud, The will of the people is as strong as a rock. The president vowed to defend the capital to the death. Ukraine fights for independence and freedom! The town of Bucha is bloody and violent. Mariupol Theater of the Tragic Death of Six Hundred Civilians. The Don River under the setting sun is as red as blood, Anger burns in the chests of the Ukrainian people! The fortress of the Assyrian camp is impregnable; Bahmut warriors stood in front of the battlefield. Mazievsky is a man of steel, This is the Ukraine that regards death as home! Countries around the world fight against Russian aggression together, United Nations resolutions are more important than Mount Tai. Withdrawal of troops, compensation and punishment of war criminals, Justice belongs to Ukraine! The Dnieper River rolls forward, The avenue of freedom leads to tomorrow. The black soil soaked with blood bloomed with bright yellow flowers, Glory to Ukraine!