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小鸟和种子 2010-05-16 00:01:06


      The bird has heard so much about that place, far away across the ocean. One day the bird was really unhappy for the life. She wanted to do something really different and made a great story for the whole bird family.

     She loved the blueberry bush and played around there one day when the sun shines as usual. A brother bird told her how valuable the bush is and which only grow up here.

    So the bird got an idea to bring the seeds to the place in the story. She picked up some seeds from the blueberry bush and started her flight. When she feels tired she stopped somewhere and after a month she arrived that place with the seeds. She put the seeds at the foot of the mountain where has a lake and trees around. She was just so happy and flied back full of success.

    One day finally some bird came with the news, there grown up a blueberry bush in that place and the people there had their blueberry for the first time. 


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注册日期: 2010-04-17
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2010-05-16 - 2010-05-16
2010-04-17 - 2010-04-17
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