天河连日波翻涌,梦也滴答,醒也滴 惊见廊厅溅水花。 一帘轻挂驱窗雨,暂且由它,只且由它 卷里乾坤掌上茶 这是‘老冬儿'填的一首‘采桑子’我在读时,手头正拿着本 ‘艾略特'的《荒原》,随手一翻,是‘爱尔兰’作家 [ OLIVER Goldsmith]写的一首诗 When lovely woman stoops folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can sooth her melancholy, What art can wash her guilt away? The only art her guil to cover, To hide her shame from every eye, To give repentance to her lover, And wring his bosom---is to die. ‘冬儿’在填词时,大概没有想到‘荒原’,但这并不妨碍读者在这两种‘意境’之间穿插。这大概就是所说‘诗’的‘创造力’吧。 《荒原》被誉为现代英语诗的开山之作,首起就如天鼓重锤、 振聋发聩。 APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding | | Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing | | Memory and desire, stirring | | Dull roots with spring rain. | | Winter kept us warm, covering | 5 | Earth in forgetful snow, feeding | | A little life with dried tubers. 我的英语水平无法看懂这些‘词句’‘典故’的确切含义,仅凭直觉,好像里面有‘屈原’的影子。 | to carthage then I came. Brning burning burning burning. O Lord Thou pluckest me out. O Lord Thou pluckest burning. Burning burning burning burning 这时也应该有位游荡江湖的‘渔夫’莞尔一笑曰 沧浪之水清兮, 可以濯吾缨, 沧浪之水浊兮, 可以濯吾足, 暂且由它,只且由它,卷里乾坤掌上茶呀。 本也想写一首,但只填了半阙 雨前谁是芭蕉客? 滴也相生,答也相生, 似诉阴阳无限情。 荒原一曲‘采桑子’, 唱落乡关四季风。 |