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《Forget Me Not》不是开玩笑。 2016-05-08 21:32:13


    一叶秋(兼和山人兄大作)不肯随风去,蛛丝缠满尘。 空悬难辨假,枯萎怎存真。 昨夜闲风雨,寒窗旧古今。 长街谁顾叶,沾脚恼行人。



flawed  refused to go with the wind.
Veins,  as spide web,coiled dust.
distinguish yourself suspicions in the air
soon it faded when have been cut.
leisure activities in last night.
past rain knocked window side.
Amour was exiled. Be annoyed.
Forget Me Not, have no kid.



   君誓不吾忘,妾犹牵梦深。 年年盼归雁,含泪数飘云。

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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-10 20:59:23

忘了,聊斋常客还赠我诗一首,‘池小由来起风波,物繁糜少竟天泽。无意插柳池边地,圃间常现无因果。 葱山峻岭望明月,星转斗移数天河。寄寓海外岂本意,望君常念宇宙歌。“真有点‘聊斋’的韵味。

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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-10 20:49:54


It is reluctant to go with the wind to anywhere , Being wrapped with spider silk and dust hanging in the air. Flawed and withered itself as the blowers through, It is hard to tell which is false which is true, Last night rain made the window wet and cold That still keeps the dark color as old. No one cares about a fallen leaf on the street, It annoys pedestrians when sticking on the feet. -


A Fall leaf by window (part 2)Ice is the water that just falls into sleeping, Ashes are residuals after the fire totally burning.he candle drips hot tears in night along with the cold raining, The life is so short, I want to cry with the windy long howling.A knife is compared to the curved moon when I'm drunk drinking, Battling the Game of Go, awaken by checkerboard, till last winning. By the windows, there is a pen and the dark ink ready for painting , By whose the signature likes a flying snake or dragon, it will become a scene of life-saving? -

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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-09 21:33:33


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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-08 21:40:25

The love word is historically confounding,

and it has only become growingly baffling.

Futile to envy the dancing spring butterflies,

how could they rescue a heart of loneliness.

You swore to God that I'd never be forgotten,

I've been entangled in dreams unrelenting.

Annual wish for geese to return comes short,

eyes in tears find numerous clouds free of fault. [豌豆博0】

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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-08 21:38:36

- Love, can anyone in the world explain? Butterfly dance can not add joy in the lonely heart plain. “Forget me not!” those words tied up the memory of mine Waiting for you is being my wish hanging upon the blue sky -


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作者:洛基山人 留言时间:2016-05-08 21:36:20


:《Forget Me Not》 It baffles: Love or Amour? Answers are zero. Butterfly dances in detour, But my heart flies solo. Forget Thee Not was the promise of Thy, These words repeat in my dreams, pretty much dire, Year by year I wait for the second coming of Thy With the flight of clouds my tearful hopes are blown dry.


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