贺兰山译文精彩,忠实原著,不像我胡扯,八歪。在此保存; It is reluctant to go with the wind to anywhere , Being wrapped with spider silk and dust hanging in the air. Flawed and withered itself as the blowers through, It is hard to tell which is false which is true, Last night rain made the window wet and cold That still keeps the dark color as old. No one cares about a fallen leaf on the street, It annoys pedestrians when sticking on the feet. - 诗友‘聊斋常客’译了最难的第二首; A Fall leaf by window (part 2)Ice is the water that just falls into sleeping, Ashes are residuals after the fire totally burning.he candle drips hot tears in night along with the cold raining, The life is so short, I want to cry with the windy long howling.A knife is compared to the curved moon when I'm drunk drinking, Battling the Game of Go, awaken by checkerboard, till last winning. By the windows, there is a pen and the dark ink ready for painting , By whose the signature likes a flying snake or dragon, it will become a scene of life-saving? - |