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全球 TOP 10 翻译软件排行榜 2010-06-05 07:47:51

今天和大家介绍全球10大翻译软件中的TOP 1

来自以色列最强大的英文翻译软件 - Babylon Pro 8.0,在全球已有超过 70 个国家 2 千 2 百万人使用。Babylon-Pro 提供最专业的翻译,有别于一般的翻译软件,Babylon 最迷人的是可外加各种语言字典,提供让您翻译一次可同时得到其它语言的翻译。例如您的字典清单中有英英、英中、英德、英日、英韩的字典时。当您查询一个英文单字时,她便同时一次给您所有英中德日韩文的翻译。 Babylon - The Leading Translation Software. Click here to download.

Effectiveness: ------We’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: Babylon is the most effective translation program out there because it offers the most accurate translations. Babylon translated better than any program we reviewed by a significant margin. To see the test results or to find out how the tests were conducted!

Features: ------Babylon doesn’t skimp on the important features. It integrates well with programs; all you have to do is press Control and right-click on any word and Babylon will automatically look up the word in its dictionaries and offer several different sources for additional information. If you need to translate more than one word, you simply highlight the text before pressing Control and right-clicking. You can also copy and paste text directly into Babylon, if you wish.

The Babylon dictionaries are very thorough, and Babylon can automatically identify the source language and choose the dictionaries accordingly. Babylon also offers integrated spell check and text-to-speech capabilities so you can make sure your own translations are accurate.

Pronunciations are available for every language. If you click on the audio icon next to the word, you will hear a pronunciation. We did find the pronunciations to not all be correct for the other languages, but they are correct for the English words.

Ease of Use: ------Babylon is one of the easiest programs to use in this review. It remains a small window, out of the way until you Control+Right-Click on some text. Then Babylon swings into action, translates, looks up definitions and offers other resources automatically. Babylon's smooth integration makes it the perfect tool to use with other programs.

Available Languages: ------Another thing that makes Babylon such a great buy is that the manufacturer has dictionaries and translation for so many different languages included in one program. While some other translation software only comes with one language, Babylon comes with translation capabilities in 17 languages, with dictionaries that were developed specifically for Babylon. Some of the most commonly-used languages in Babylon are Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and German.

Supported Formats/Files: ------One of the best parts of Babylon is its ability to pull text from so many different files and translate it. Babylon can handle translations from Word, Excel, PDF and RTF files, and it can also translate anything in email, instant messaging or internet browsers. Basically, Babylon can translate text from any of the programs you use on a daily basis.

Be aware that even though Babylon can translate text from any of these file formats, you still must copy and paste the text into the Babylon interface. It doesn't translate entire documents. But you needn't worry about saving your work in a specific file type before copying and pasting because Babylon can handle text code from just about any application you can think of.

Help/Support: ------Babylon comes with some great support options. There are user guides and FAQs to answer questions or help you learn how to use all the features in Babylon. You can also contact the manufacturer through email if you need more help.


Babylon simply does it better than the competition. It has greater accuracy, more languages, better features, numerous references and dictionaries and a simple, compact interface. Babylon will be able to do anything you need it to.

Babylon - The Leading Translation Software. Click here to download.
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