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My Shanghainese friend Wendy 2011-07-08 17:25:32

My wife told me that her friend, Wendy, had gone to grocery stores 6 times during the long weekend to buy a lot discount items for daily use. It does not surprise me at all. Wendy is a Shanghainese. She is around my age. She grew up in Shanghai and came to the United States in early of 1990’s. She never went to college in China, was a nurse in a small local hospital.

Shanghai has been a crowded and most expensive city in China for more than half century. Ordinary residents in this city need to manage their expenditure with wisdom. The native Shanghainese are good at and famous for it. This wisdom trait runs through this population. People can recognize them for all over the world, no matter what they are speaking and how they are dressing. They emphasize the importance of family and have good philosophy of happiness.

Wendy is a typical Shanghainese.
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注册日期: 2010-11-11
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· My Shanghainese friend Wendy
· Thanksgiving
· Monday
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· My Shanghainese friend Wendy
· Thanksgiving
· Monday
2011-07-08 - 2011-07-08
2010-11-15 - 2010-11-23
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