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Spoetry 2011-01-23 04:00:31

What is Spoetry?

It is unknown as to when the first spoem was started as several writers and 
bloggers have claimed to have created the form. However, it is estimated that 
the idea began in 1999 as Satire Wire [1] held their first spam poetry writing 
contest in 2000 [2]. Animator Don Hertzfeldt began writing spam poems in his 
production journal in 2004 [3]. Translator Jorge Candeias wrote a 鈥渟poem鈥?a day 
during a whole year, between the 5th of May 2003 and the 5th of May 2004, using 
spam subject lines as title and inspiration; these are in Portuguese, based on 
spam bylines mostly in English [4].
A book entitled Machine Language by endwar was published in 2005 by IZEN and was 
followed by Machine Language, Version 2.1 also by endwar in 2006. The latter 
edition includes a CD of spoetry read by Microsoft Sam and set to ambient 
musical sounds by Michael Truman who also tweaked the automated readings. Each 
edition indicates endwar as editor, but in the second edition he has admitted to 
using cut-up technique and having combined shorter pieces from the first 
edition, which lends more authorship to him in his creation. These pieces were 
also read at the opening of Blends & Bridges, a concrete and visual poetry show 
at Gallery 324 in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 1, 2006, by endwar with the sounds 
by Truman backing. The experimental poet, endwar, cites his own collaboration 
with Ficus Strangulensis, the experimental poet, in 1995, The Further Last Words 
of Dutch Schultz published by IZEN as an earlier experiment in generating random 
text poetry, in this case, the software altered text of the bizarre last words 
of Dutch Schultz as published in The New York Times in 1935, as well as the 
cut-up influences of Brion Gysin and William S. Burroughs and even the musicians 
Throbbing Gristle and David Bowie.[1] The useful bits of spam for purposes of 
endwar's variation of spoetry, i.e., the part that is not the advertisement, but 
the random words assigned to trick spam filters, endwar calls "paratext". 
Interestingly, endwar indicates that, in his view, "the effect of the evolution 
of paratext is that computers are learning to talk to each other by in some 
sense imitating human texts." [2] The advertisements are the human-to-human 
conversation in the same email sources.
A book entitled 'Spam: E-mail Inspired Poems' by Ben Myers was published in 2008 
by Blackheath Books [5] Myers claims to have been writing spam poems since 1999.
The creation of spoetry is similar to Gysin and Burroughs's cut-up technique in 
that individual subject lines of messages are pieced together in poetic form; 
making the creation of spoetry an exercise not in creativity as much as in 
having an eye for the unexpected.
The end result can be crafted into any literary form the author desires: haiku, 
concrete poetry, limerick, dada, and so on. Thus, spoetry is not a literary form 
but rather a means of creating poetry.
[edit] Examples
Several examples of poetry created from spam can be found across the Internet.
What Can You Do in 3 Minutes?
Look out your window
Make a child happy
Groom those bushy eyebrows
Get residency in Panama
Lose 10 lbs.
Remove dents
Haiku Style:
Santa Claus catholic
Looking for medications
Your stocking stuffer
Smoking is harmful!
I do it because its fun
White Teeth Guaranteed
Memo: to My Pets
I know what you are doing
No, oh, that's just wrong

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