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重庆李俊案——美国华盛顿邮报导 http://chinainperspective.com/Art 2012-03-05 18:11:54


作者:安德鲁•海金斯(Andrew Higgins)& 金融时报记者 译者: 对华援助协会



(上图:李俊   摄影:安德鲁•海金斯 Andrew Higgins)




李 俊曾是拥有3000万人口的山城重庆的富豪之一。过去16个月间,他一直在逃亡。在中国之外所做的冗长采访中,这位45岁的企业家描述了重庆残酷、非法的 地产和权力之争。在薄熙来和他现已失宠的公安局长发动的镇压行动中,4500多人因所谓的有组织犯罪而遭到逮捕。


李俊这位在逃的企业家将其称为“红色恐怖”。它体现了极为严密、变化多端的秩序。这一秩序造成了中国政治近年来最为混乱的局面。李俊价值7亿美元的资产现 被重庆公安局所控制。他说,重庆“不是模范,而是一场大灾难。”因担心安全,他请求不要透露他现在所处地点。

据李俊讲,遭到清洗的公安局长王立军在同其长期靠山、市委书记薄熙来发生莫名争执之后,极为担心自己的命运,因而逃离重庆,向远在200英里之外的美国驻 成都外交官寻求庇护。在美国领事馆滞留一夜之后,王立军向北京来的安全官员自首,拒绝与薄熙来从重庆派来的武警一同离开。



这一传奇事件令今年年底的领导层交接变得更为复杂。届时,北京党的最高领导职务将交给副主席习近平。习近平同薄熙来一样,也是太子党成员。其父曾与毛泽东 并肩作战。薄熙来将其政治前途压在他那位刚愎自用的公安局长所领导的打击犯罪行动上,期待着能进入习近平的核心圈子。







在薄熙来,这位毛时代一位革命领导人的魅力后代,2007年出任重庆市委书记时,企业家李俊并未看到有担心的理由。薄熙来曾任商务部长,对经济颇感兴趣, 以办事效率高著称。没有人关注记者姜维平的命运。姜因报道薄熙来1990年代在东北担任高级官员期间掩盖亲朋好友的腐败问题,而被判刑五年。




大约与此同时,急于给北京领导人留下好印象、想成为政治局常委的市委书记薄熙来发动了名为“红色文化运动”、以演唱毛时代歌颂党的“红歌”为主题的道德建 设行动。像其他企业家一样,李俊也必须在公司组织演唱,并派公司员工参加大型“红歌”集会。随后,由公安局长王立军督导的逮捕行动开始。王本人现在已失去 与外界联络,正在北京接受调查。


2009年12月,他被公安带走。据他讲,审讯期间,他多次遭到殴打。审讯集中在他与军队的土地交易上。他说,审讯者对他讲,他惹怒了当地一名军队高级将 领张海洋。张海洋也是太子党成员,他自己的亲属也觊觎那块地产。张的妻子也是高官后代。张后来搬到北京,现担任控制中国核武器的第二炮兵部队政委。











Fugitive Chinese businessman Li Jun details struggle over power and property

(Andrew Higgins/ WASHINGTON POST ) - With eight of his relatives in jail, his business empire in tatters and his bank accounts frozen, fugitive Chinese executive Li Jun is rejoicing at unexpected good news: The police chief who engineered his misery has himself now vanished into the maw of Chinese state security.

With eight of his relatives in jail, his business empire under police control and his bank accounts frozen, fugitive Chinese executive Li Jun is rejoicing at unexpected good news: The police chief who engineered his misery has himself vanished into the maw of Chinese state security.

“Nobody is happier than I am,” said Li, commenting on the downfall of Chongqing vice mayor and security boss Wang Lijun, who was hauled to Beijing last month after he took refuge at the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province.

in a city where more than 4,500 people have been arrested as part of a crackdown orchestrated by Bo and his now-disgraced police chief on alleged organized crime.

The campaign, known as “smash black, banish evil,” underpins the “Chongqing model,” a system of governance that the city’s energetic propaganda apparatus trumpets as a mix of old-style communist morality, modern economic efficiency and zero tolerance of crime.

Li, the fugitive businessman, calls it “red terror” — the visible side of an intensely secretive and volatile order that has produced China’s most tumultuous political drama in years. Li, whose assets — worth an estimated $700 million — are now controlled by the Public Security Bureau, said the Chongqing governance system “is not a model but a huge catastrophe.” Fearing for his safety, he asked that his current location not be identified.

Li noted that Wang, the purged police chief, was so worried about his own fate after a still-unexplained falling-out with Bo, his longtime patron, that he fled Chongqing and sought shelter with U.S. diplomats 200 miles away in Chengdu. After a night inside the American consulate, Wang handed himself over to security officials from Beijing, refusing to leave with armed police officers sent by Bo from Chongqing.

“He did not want to die,” Li said. More than a dozen people caught up in Chongqing’s crackdown on crime have been executed. Others committed suicide.

Authorities have sought to play down Wang’s dramatic and apparently fearful flight, describing it as an “isolated incident.” Chongqing officials loyal to Bo have suggested that the former police director is mentally unhinged.

The saga has complicated a leadership transition later this year in which the top party job in Beijing will be transferred to Vice President Xi Jinping, another princeling whose father, like Bo’s, fought alongside Mao Zedong. Bo, who yoked his political fortunes to the anti-crime drive led by his wayward police chief, had been expected to join Xi’s inner circle.

Chongqing’s assault on alleged mafia networks began in 2009 and has been loudly applauded by many locals, who cheered the arrest of feared hoodlums and the 2010 execution of Wen Qiang, a notoriously corrupt official who ran the city’s police force from 1992 until 2008.

But amid mounting concern over confessions made under duress and other abuses, human rights activists and lawyers complain that the anti-mafia campaign tramples due process and risks branding legitimate private businesspeople as mafia dons.

“How can private entrepreneurs feel safe?” said He Weifang, a law professor at Peking University who studied in Chongqing and took classes taught by a legal scholar who defended Li’s now-jailed brother, who was arrested after Li fled. The seizing of private assets, he added, “reminds people of what Jews suffered during World War II.”

Big state-owned companies, though widely viewed as among China’s most graft-addled enterprises, have been spared from attack.

Tong Zhiwei, a law professor at Shanghai’s East China University of Political Science and Law, said Chongqing has battered criminal gangs but, in the process, has also “destroyed the legal system.” He wrote a lengthy report last year detailing how “police prepare all the food, prosecutors serve it and the courts eat it.”

Arrested, then cleared

When Bo, the charismatic son of a Mao-era revolutionary leader, took over as Chongqing party chief in 2007, Li, the businessman, didn’t see much reason to worry. Bo, a former commerce minister, had a keen interest in economics and a reputation for getting things done. Nobody paid much attention to the fate of Jiang Weiping, a journalist who spent five years in jail after he reported on how Bo had covered up corruption among friends and relatives while working as a senior official in Manchuria in the 1990s.

Li also had connections. The businessman, originally from Hubei province, moved to Chongqing in 1984 as a soldier in the People’s Liberation Army and, after five years of service, set up a small trading business and then a gas station. Other ventures followed, including a restaurant, a karaoke parlor and a small sauna, a line of business often associated with vice.

His main moneymaker, though, was property, which spawned a string of companies involved in construction, design, leasing and decorating.

In 2008, he got a big break with the purchase of plots of undeveloped military land in Chongqing’s Shapingba District. They cost him nearly $80 million, he said. He closed the sauna, which he said didn’t make money.

At around the same time, Bo, eager to impress leaders in Beijing and gain elevation to the Politburo Standing Committee, launched a morality drive called the Red Culture Movement and featuring “red songs,” Mao-era anthems praising the party. Like other businessmen, Li had to organize singalongs at work and send employees to mass “red song” rallies. Then the arrests started, supervised by Wang, Bo’s police chief, who is now incommunicado and under investigation in Beijing.

“Every day the newspapers had news about new arrests. I worried I would be next,” recalled Li, who has three daughters, one of whom is studying in Washington.

In December 2009, he got picked up by police, who he said beat him repeatedly during questioning that focused on his land deal with the military. Interrogators, he said, told him that he had upset Zhang Haiyang, a senior army officer in the region — and yet another princeling — whose relatives allegedly coveted the property. Zhang, whose wife is the offspring of a senior official, has since moved to Beijing and is now political commissar of the 2nd Artillery Corps, which controls China’s nuclear missiles.

Li said he was kept chained for days to a “tiger bench,” a metal chair designed to maximize pain, his arms and legs shackled while security agents pummeled him, screamed abuse and demanded that he confess.

Held for three months in police and military establishments, Li was cleared of any wrongdoing in March 2010 and released after agreeing to cough up 40 million yuan, or $6.3 million, in “compensation, according to a document issued by the Chengdu Military District Political Security Department. Li said he owed nothing but had to pay to secure his freedom.

Chongqing authorities declined to comment on Li’s account. “We have not heard such things, and we don’t think it is necessary to give any response,” said an official at the propaganda division of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau who declined to be identified.

‘I’m a businessman,’ not gangster

In October 2010, while on a business trip to Chengdu, Li got a tip-off that he was about to be arrested again. He fled the following morning to Hong Kong. His wife intended to flee, too, but didn’t have the necessary paperwork. She was arrested and spent a year in jail.

Other relatives also were picked up, including an older brother, Li Xiuwu, who was sentenced in December to 18 years in jail for leading a “black society,” the Chinese term for a mafia-like crime syndicate. He was fined $32 million.

“They couldn’t get me, so they got my older brother,” said Li, who added that his sibling played no role in managing his company.

The verdict, issued by the Shapingba District People’s Court, details the state’s case, describing a host of unrelated crimes that include prostitution and loan-sharking. The Junfeng Industrial Development Group, ruled the court, served as a “cover for a series of illegal and criminal activities . . . that oppressed and hurt the masses, severely damaged the local economy and disrupted social order.”

The group’s now-frozen assets are due to be handed over to a state-owned company that has ties to local officials.

Li dismissed the case as “all lies,” noting that the prosecution focused on an entertainment venture that accounted for just 2 percent of his group’s revenue. “I’m a businessman, but if you upset somebody [in power] you are a gangster.”

With 1,500 managers, accountants, architects, construction workers and others on the payroll, he scoffed at accusations that he spent his time “collecting pennies from hookers.”

He said he is broke, having kept all his money in China instead of moving it overseas: “I never thought things would turn out like this,” he said.

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