2011 高尔夫小结 昨天打了可以说是今年度最后一场球。尽管有同伴说还要打一场雪地球,但基本上这一season也算结束了。也该为今年的成绩或失误做个小结了。 总体上说,今年的成绩不令人满意。大多数时候还不如去年。6-7 月间去度假加上前后的准备和休息,基本上到了八月份才开始了至少一星期一次的打球活动,Driving Range一共也没有去几次。可说是在实战中练习,在练习中实战。 Driver 还算基本稳定。无Slice,无Hook. 应该给予肯定。有时候球的轨迹显得不那么直,疑是击球瞬间杆头与Target Line 不够垂直而致。感到应在立姿时就调整位置,使杆头与Target Line 保持垂直,再进一步调整转身及其协调。 Iron 时好时坏,极不稳定,是影响成绩的主要因素。Swing 的姿势和Tempo是主因。The swing is too steep, 即使能击中,也严重影响距离。Tempo 有时还可以,但有时就似乎被忘得一干二净。明年应下功夫练习Iron. Pitching and Chipping, 还算好,有时还相当好,应保持。 对 putting 重视不够。应多练习。有必要的话,可以考虑换个putter. 下面是明年的奋斗目标: Driving: 提高Club head speed by 2-5 mph, 使driving distance 增加10 yds. 降低Launch angle, 用短一点的tee. Face angle: Delta = -5 degrees closed. 提高Faiway命中率。 Irons: 调整swing姿势,力争 7 iron 增加 10-15 yds. 其它也增加 accordingly. Pitching and Chipping: 保持和提高准确度。 Putting: 多练习。力争不超过36 putts per round,向34进军。 当然了,长期的目标仍然是锻炼身体。陪伴着那蓝天,白云,绿草,清水,享受着那清新的空气,听着那神木什么叫(?)的小鸟,与几个朋友聊着天,多一杆,少一杆又能怎么样呢? 想到一个笑话,转载于此。 Two couples went out golfing together. The men hit first from the men's tee and walked with the ladies to their tee box. The first lady took a mighty swing at the ball, missing it completely, while passing some gas rather loudly in the process. No one commented. She addressed the ball again but this time she passed just a little gas as she made contact with the ball, topping it and moving it only a short distance. She said, "I wonder why it didn't go any further?" One of the men said, "I don't think you gave it enough gas!" |