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白宫呼吁书与国际求助函为一人所写 2016-03-31 18:25:56
石毓智: 白宫呼吁书与国际求助函为一人所写 






第三、学校生活的习惯称呼一样。两者都有明显的中文的表达习惯,而不合乎英文。《求助函》用the chemistry department(化学系),英语的正常用法为the department of chemistry;《呼吁书》用a Tsinghua university student(清华大学学生),英语的正常用法为a student at Tsinghua university。这里也有大小写错误。

第四、都用奇怪的标点法。这可能来自作者自己的中文写作习惯。《呼吁书》用we petition the Obama administration to: Invest and deport Jasmine Sun,其中的冒号不合英语的规范;《求助函》有The young woman -- her name is Zhu Ling -- is a student in the chemistry department,英语中没有这样用破折号的。

第五、都没掌握好英语定冠词。《求助函》:“Though they have tried, doctors at the best hospitals”,doctors之前应该有定冠词the,因为中文没有定冠词,所以中式英文经常忘记用它。《呼吁书》:Resources also show that she changed her name and entered USA by marriage fraud,其中的resources之前应该加the。

第六、都没有掌握好英语的时态和人称。《呼吁书》:which leads to her permanent paralysis,应该用过去式led to。《求助函》:The doctors are now treating Zhu Ling with broad-spectrum antibiotic of cephalosporin,此处的动词不能用现在进行时,因为紧接着But Zhu Ling has not responded,可见treat这个行为已经做了,应该用过去式。

第七、都是用中文习惯安排时间词语的位置。表示时间点的词语,在汉语中中是出现在句首或者谓语动词之前;而在英语中则正好相反,通常是出现在句尾。《求助函》:“Three days later, her hair began to fall out and within two days she was completely bald. ”在汉语中,这些时间词“三天之后”、“两天之内”都是在句子或者谓语动词之前,然而英语则是把它们置于句子之后,特别是within two days应该放在bald之后。《呼吁书》:In 1995, Zhu Ling as a Tsinghua university student was found out to be purposely poisoned twice by lethal chemical,其中的in 1995应该放在句子末尾。这种错误或者不规范用法一般人很难觉察到,所以很难改。

第八、都有很多介词错误。《呼吁书》:to be purposely poisoned twice by lethal chemical: Thallium,介词by后应为人如by somebody,这里应为with。《求助函》:at hospital 应为 in hospital。

第九、两者都不会用并列连词and。《呼吁书》:she changed her name and entered USA by marriage fraud,两个小句之间是因果关系,不宜用并列连词;《求助函》:We are Zhu Ling's friends and we are disparate to help her,两个小句之间是目的关系,也不宜用并列连词,而且第二个we多余,应删除。

第十、两份材料关于病情诊断皆用同一个动词“find”。这大概是最能说明两份材料出自一人的证据,因为大夫诊断疾病,英语一般不用find,通常使用examine、diagnose等。这应为同一个人的习惯式中式表达。《呼吁书》:Zhu Ling as a Tsinghua university student was found out to be purposely poisoned twice by lethal chemical。《求助函》:but the doctors could not find the season for her illness。这种动词搭配的差别,很能说明一个人的英文能力。



we petition the Obama administration to: Invest and deport Jasmine Sun who was the main suspect of a famous Thallium poison murder case (victim: Zhu Lin) in China

In 1995, Zhu Ling as a Tsinghua university student was found out to be purposely poisoned twice by lethal chemical: Thallium, which leads to her permanent paralysis. It was indicated that Sun, her roommate, had the motive, and access to the deadly chemical. Jasmine Sun was investigated by police as suspect in 1997. But resources show that the case was mystically closed due to her family’s powerful political connections. Resources also show that she changed her name and entered USA by marriage fraud.

To protect the safety of our citizens, we petite that the government investigate and deport her.


The SOS E-mail Message from Peking University
This is Peking University in China, a place of those dreams of freedom and democracy. However, a young, 21-year old student has become very sick and is dying. The illness is very rare. Though they have tried, doctors at the best hospitals in Beijing cannot cure her; many do not even know what illness it is. So now we are asking the world -- can somebody help us?
Here is a description of the illness:
The young woman -- her name is Zhu Ling -- is a student in the chemistry department. On DEC. 5, 1994, Zhu Ling felt sick in her stomach. Three days later, her hair began to fall out and within two days she was completely bald. She entered the hospital, but the doctors could not find the season for her illness. However, after she was in the hospital for a month, she began to feel better and her hair grew back. Zhu Ling went back to school in February, but in March her legs began to ache severely, and she felt dizzy. She entered XieHe(Harmony) Hospital - the most famous hospital in China. On March 15, her symptoms worsened. She began facial paralysis, central muscle of eye's paralysis self-controlled respiration disappeared. So she was put on a respirator.

The doctors did many tests for many diseases including anti-> H2V, spinal cord puncture, NMR, immune system, chemical drug intoxication ANA,ENA,DSONA,ZG and Lyme, but all were negative, except for Lyme disease(ZGM(+)).
The doctors now think that it might be acute disseminated encephalomyelitis(ADEM) or lupus erythematosus(LE), but the data from the tests did not support this conclusion.
The doctors are now treating Zhu Ling with broad-spectrum antibiotic of cephalosporin, anti-virus drug, hormone, immun- oadjuvent, gamma globulin intravenous injection and have given her plasma exchange(PE) of 10,000 CCs. But Zhu Ling has not responded -- she reamers in a vegetative state, sustained by life support. encephalomyelitis(ADEM) or lupus erythematosus(LE), but the data from the tests did not support this conclusion. The doctors are now treating Zhu Ling with broad-spectrum antibiotic of cephalosporin, anti-virus drug, hormone, immun- oadjuvent, gamma globulin intravenous injection and have given her plasma exchange(PE) of 10,000 CCs. But Zhu Ling has not responded -- she reamers in a vegetative state, sustained by life support. If anyone has heard of patients with similar symptoms -- or have any ideas as to what this illness could be, please contact us. We are Zhu Ling's friends and we are disparate to help her. This is the first time that Chinese try to find help from Internet, please send back E-mail to us. We will send more crystal description of her illness to you. our email is: caiqq@mccux0.mech.pku.edu.cn Thank you very much Peking University April 10th, 1995◇×
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