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Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, 

Italy, Japan, Netherland, Russia, Spain, United States and 

China  ¡ª Final Protocol for the Settlement of the 

Disturbances of 1900


                            THE BOXER UPRISING  ( BOXER PROTOCOL ) 

Final protocol signed at Peking September 7, 1901, with 

annexes Entered into force September 7,1901 

Provisions relating to Whangpoo Conservancy Board 

revised by agreement of September 27,1905

as amended andsupplemented Termination: Article XI(b) 

and annex 17 suspended by agreement of September 27, 

1905; 1 protocol terminated in its entirety as between the 

United States and China May 20, 1943, by treaty of January 

11, 1943 2 Treaty 


The Plenipotentiaries of Germany, His Excellency M. A. Mumm von Schwarzenstein; of Austria-Hungary, His Excellency M. M. Czikann von Wahlborn; of Belgium, His Excellency M. Joostens; of Spain, M. B. J. de Cologan; of the United States, His Excellency Mr. W. W. Rockhill; of France, His Excellency M. Paul Beau; of Great Britain, His Excellency Sir Ernest Satow; of Italy, Marquis Salvago Raggi; of Japan, His Excellency M. Jutaro Komura; of the Netherlands, His Excellency M. F. M. Knobel; of Russia, His Excellency M. M. de Giers; and of China, His Highness Yi-K'uang, Prince of the First Rank Ching, President of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and His Excellency Li Hung-chang, Earl of the First Rank, Su-i, Tutor of the Heir Apparent, Grand Secretary of the Wen-nua Throne Hall, Minister of Commerce, Superintendent of the Northern Ports, Governor-General of Chihli, have met for the purpose of declaring that China has complied to the satisfaction of the Powers with the conditions laid down in the note of the 22d of December, 1900,8 which were accepted in their entirety by His Majesty the Emperor of China in a decree dated the 27th of December, 1900 (Annex No.1). 1 TS 448, post, p. 446. • TS 984, post. a For English translation of the joint note of the 11 powers, together with Chinese reply of Jan. 16, 1901, and subsequent correspondence, see 1901 For. ReI. (appendix) 58 fr.

CHINA (BOXER PROTOCOL)-SEPTEMBER 7, 1901 303 ARTICLE I a By an Imperial Edict of the 9th of June last (Annex No.2), Tsai Feng, Prince of the First Rank Ch'iin, was appointed Ambassador of His Majesty the Emperor of China, and directed in that capacity to convey to His :Majesty the German Emperor th~ expression of the regrets of His Majesty the Emperor of China and of the Chinese Government for the assassination of His Excellency the late Baron von Ketteler, German Minister. . Prince Ch'iin left Peking the 12th of July last to carry out the orders which had been given him. ARTICLE I b The Chinese Government has stated that it will erect on the spot of the assassination of His Excellency the late Baron von Ketteler a commemorative monument, worthy of the rank of the deceased, and bearing an inscription in the Latin, German, and Chinese languages, which shall express the regrets ofHis Majesty the Emperor of China for the murder committed. Their Excellencies the Chinese Plenipotentiaries have informed His Excellency the German Plenipotentiary, in a letter dated the 22nd of July last (Annex No.3), that an arch of the whole width of the street would be erected on the said spot and that work on it was begun the 25th of June last. ARTICLE II a Imperial Edicts of the 13th and 21st of February, 1901 (Annexes Nos. 4, 5, and 6), inflicted the following punishments on the principal authors of the outrages and crimes committed against the foreign Governments and their nationals: Tsai-I, Prince Tuan and Tsai Lan, Duke Fu-kuo, were sentenced to be brought before the autumn Court of Assizes for execution, and it was agreed that if the Emperor saw fit to grant them their lives, they should be exiled to Turkestan and there imprisoned for life, without the possibility of commutation of this punishment. Tsai Hsiin, Prince Chuang, Ying Nien, President of the Court of Censors, and Chao Shu-Chiao, President of the Board of Punishments, were condemned to commit suicide. Yii Hsien, Governor of Shanhsi, Chi Hsiu, President of the Board of Rites, and Hsii Cheng-yu, formerly Senior Vice-President of the Board of Punishments, were condemned to death. Posthumous degradation was inflicted on Kang Vi, Assistant Grand Secretary, President of the Board of Works, Hsii Tung, Grand Secretary, and Li Ping-heng, former Governor-General of Szu-ch'uan. An Imperial Edict of February 13th, 1901 (Annex No.7), rehabilitated the memories of Hsii Yung-yi, President of the Board of War, Li Shan, President of the Board of Works, Hsii Ching-cheng, Senior Vice-President of the Board of Works, Lien Yuan, Vice-Chancellor of the Grand Council,


File:Execution of Boxers after the rebellion.png

Image result for Alfred Ludwig Heinrich Karl Graf von Waldersee peking 1901

Alfred Graf von Waldersee and General Lothar von Trotha, 1900/01 Stock Photo

Alfred Graf von Waldersee in Peking, 1900 Stock Photo

Related image

Alfred von Waldersee - Image: Graf von Waldersee Postkarte

Alfred von Waldersee auf einer 1901 verschickten Postkarte

Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig Graf von Waldersee ( 8. April 1832 in Potsdam; 

5. März 1904 in Hannover) war ein preußischer Generalfeldmarschall. 

 Sai  Jinhua £¨1872Ä꣭1936Ä꣩





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According to Trump, Xi recently called him to ask if there was 

something he could do to put the company back in business, 

according to Fox News.

Trump asked Xi what he was prepared to do, the president said

 -- and Xi replied that he was willing to have ZTE pay a fine of 

USD 500 million dollars for the embargo violations, change the 

management and replace the board.

The United States President then countered with a fine of USD 

1.5 billion, the management and board swaps, security 

guarantees and a guarantee that ZTE would buy a large 

percentage of its parts from U.S. companies, Trump told Fox 


After further negotiations, they settled at a USD 1.3 billion fine, 

Trump said.

Trump, meanwhile asserted that his handling of ZTE shows 

that he is prepared to be tough on China and Chinese companies, 

whenever they misbehave.





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