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你会飞 心灵频道  
You Will Fly | Heart & Soul Channel  
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三月的水域 2012-09-26 18:33:45

What dare you not do?
Do it.
What contract you honor,
sold your soul into slavery?
Tear it up.

Come, not speak one word,
and swim with me,

in the brand new waters of Mach.

I am your fate.
I am your destiny.
I burn faintly
in the memories of your cells
and blinker an image
that you are destined to fulfill.

No, trappings is not the game
of your life.
In seemingly barrenness,
your existence shines,
ever so brightly for your elders to see.

Lay down your sword,
and morph into the mountain spirit that you are.
Deep in the jungles of your earthly flesh,
the calls of a meaningful life …
are triumphly erupting.

It is already Spiritual Spring.

So, I dare you.

I dare you to live so authentically,
so simply, so straightforwardly,
so vivaciously,

that you feel you are flaming.

At night, as you retire into
enormous purple realms,
you come.
And swim with me in the waters of March.

Swim with me…
in the brand new
waters of March

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注册日期: 2012-09-26
访问总量: 2,934 次
· 三月的水域
【流言 (Short Fiction)】
【暖和的话 (Essays)】
· 三月的水域
【你会飞 (Audio Transcripts)】
2012-09-26 - 2012-09-26
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