歌曲“斯卡布罗集市(Scarborough Fair”)”歌词翻译- -五首“西江月”
上世纪电影“毕业生”主题曲“斯卡布罗集市(Scarborough Fair)”(西蒙与加芬克尓 (Simon and Garfunkel)版本)一直是全球包括华人听众喜爱的经典之作,尤其歌词中对爱情别开生面的理解和诉求,至今仍引起广泛的解读。
这首歌曲主歌词和基调来自古苏格兰民歌,各段第二句唱到的四种花朵﹕香芹、鼠尾草, 迷迭香和百里香(Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme),分别代表爱情的甜蜜,力量,忠诚 和勇气。
在主歌的二、三、四段,每一句的结尾,西蒙和加芬克尓又巧妙地插进一个唱着另外一 套副歌词的声音,让主歌词的主人公以 战士的身份讲述战争的苦难和无奈,从而在主歌爱 情基调上暗示了战争对爱情的摧残,加入当时年青一代的反战(指当时的越南战争)情绪,使全歌的感情表达更加饱满更有感染力。
对于华人,这首来自异国民歌的歌曲表达爱情的热烈,纯美和挚诚,令人不由联想起以 “诗经”为代表的中国古民歌中的爱情诗,现在网络上广泛流行的这首歌“诗经”体的中文译文应当是这种联想的产物*。
受“诗经”体译文的启发,我萌想试用古词的形式翻译西蒙和加芬克尓版的歌词,写下以下 五首“西江月”(主歌词三首,付歌词二首)。
五首西江月中,三首主歌词的前半阕相同,二首付歌词的前半阕也相同。 由于词谱格式限制,英文主歌词每段第二句重复出现的香芹、鼠尾草,迷迭香和 百里香(Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme)被拆开在上下阕的第二句分开表 达 )。
主歌词翻译(西江月三首) 中文 英文 一 君去斯卡罗市。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 我思尾草芹香, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme。 有佳人似玉临窗, Remember me to one who lives there, 是我曾相爱傍。 She once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼做衣与我 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt. 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 无缝无线亚麻装, Without no seams nor needle work. 真爱情深我俩 Then she will be a true love of mine.
君去斯卡罗市。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 我思尾草芹香, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 有佳人似玉临窗, Remember me to one who lives there, 是我曾相爱傍。 She once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼开田为我, Tell her to find me an acre of land. 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 盐碱水里海滩旁, Between the salt water and the sea strand, 誓愛情深我俩。 Then she will be a true love of mine.
君去斯卡罗市。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 我思尾草芹香, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 有佳人似玉临窗, Remember me to one who lives there, 是我曾相爱傍。 She once was a true love of mine.
嘱彼皮镰收割, Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather. 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 石楠枝扎捆收藏, And gather it all in a bunch of heather. 永爱情深我俩。 Then 十she will be a true love of mine.
付歌词(伴唱)翻译(西江月二首) 一 原野绿林山岳, On the side of hill in the deep forest green, 雀纷飞雪寒冈。 Tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown. 士兵披日地为床, Blankets and bedclothes the child of maintain , 惊梦鼔笳激荡。 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
落叶丘峦军宿, On the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves , 泪流荒冡愁长, Washes the grave with slivery tears. 时时擦亮手中枪 A soldier cleans and polishes a gun. 警觉冲锋号响。 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
原野绿林山岳, On the side of hill in the deep forest green, 雀纷飞雪寒冈。 Tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown. 士兵披日地为床, Blankets and bedclothes the child of maintain , 惊梦鼔笳激荡。 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
战火猩红如血, War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions. 令催战士行强, Generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause. 为谁征战已偕忘, They have long ago forgotten. 前进冲锋号响。 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
西蒙与加芬克尓(Simon and Garfunkel)演唱“斯卡布罗市集”五段(对照演唱的过程, 五首词随演唱的英文歌词显示。括号内是附歌伴唱)**:
中文 英文
段一 君去斯卡罗市。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 我思尾草芹香, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 有佳人似玉临窗, Remember me to one who lives there, 是我曾相爱傍。 She once was a true love of mine.
段二 嘱彼做衣与我 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt. (原野绿林山岳), (On the side of hill in the deep forest green), 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. (雀纷飞雪寒冈)。 (Tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown.). 无缝无线亚麻装, Without no seams nor needle work. (士兵披日地为床), (Blankets and bedclothes the child of maintain ), 真爱情深我俩 Then she will be a true love of mine. (惊梦鼔笳激荡)。 (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.).
段三 嘱彼开田为我, Tell her to find me an acre of land. (落叶丘峦军宿), (On the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves ), 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. (泪流荒冡愁长), (Washes the grave with silvery tears). 盐碱水里海滩旁, Between the salt water and the sea strand, (时时擦亮手中枪), (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun), 誓愛情深我俩。 Then she will be a true love of mine.
段四 嘱彼皮镰收割, Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather. (战火猩红如血), (War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions). 迷迭百里香芳, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. (令催战士行强), (Generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause). 石楠枝扎捆收藏, And gather it all in a bunch of heather. (为谁征战已偕忘,), (They have long ago forgotten). 永爱情深我俩。 Then 十she will be a true love of mine.
段五 君去斯卡罗市。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair? 我思尾草芹香, Parsley sage rosemary and thyme. 有佳人似玉临窗, Remember me to one who lives there, 是我曾相爱傍。 She once was a true love of mine.
视频连接: *歌词诗經体译文
**西蒙与加芬克尓(Simon and Garfunkel)演唱“斯卡布罗市集”五段