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My sweet baby 2007-08-15 15:46:23

My son\'s daddy does not live in the same city with us.  When little son\'s 6 months chech up was approaching, I feel so bad about his daddy\'s absence from one of my little one\'s milestone stage.  The expected crying & fussiness after 6 months shot espcially makes me upset.

On that day of check up, my baby is not fussy at all. On the way to the clinic and back to home, my little baby sat in the carseat quietly.  He sometimes look around, sometimes play with his little hands, sometimes even have a deep breath.  He did not cry.

The only time he cried is when he was weighted and when he was given two shots.  But when I hold him up, he stopped crying.

Seems he know how hard it is for mom taking care of him and did his best to make things easy for mom.


mom love you, my precious baby.


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· Can you freeze time?
· My sweet baby
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