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375位顶尖科学家警告我们不可选川普 2016-09-21 14:35:23

请点击: 375 Top Scientists Warn Us Not To Vote For Trump | Huffington Post




Yesterday, 375 of the world’s top scientists, including 30 Nobel Prize winners, published an open letter regarding climate change. In the letter, the scientists report that the evidence is clear: humans are causing climate change. We are now observing climate change and its affect across the globe. The seas are rising, the oceans are warming, the lower atmosphere is warming, the land is warming, ice is melting, rainfall patterns are changing and the ocean is becoming more acidic.

In the letter, the scientists venture deeper into politics than scientists are generally willing to tread. They describe the inane Republican platform and the foolish position of the Republican nominee Donald Trump. Basically, Trump wishes to scrap our environmental agreements, which have resulted in reductions to our own emissions as well as very strong agreements to reduce global warming through international agreements.


375 top scientists warn of 'real, serious, immediate' climate threat | John AbrahamThe Guardian - 11 hours ago 375 Top Scientists Warn Us Not To Vote For TrumpHuffington Post - 15 hours ago 375 top scientists warn against Trump's plan to pull out of climate pactYahoo News - 1 day ago

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· 375位顶尖科学家警告我们不可选
· 375位顶尖科学家警告我们不可选
2016-09-21 - 2016-09-21
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