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Beso Rapido的博客  
The lost script  
Once upon a time, there was Jenny... 2014-01-26 23:13:38


Take my true love by her hand

Lead her through the town
Say goodbye to everyone
Goodbye to everyone.

Every wind that blows boys
Every wind that blows
Carries me to some new place
Heaven only knows.

Once upon a time, when she was young and I was younger, when el conejo seeds were still scattered around los monasterios in Tejas, the dreams left me.

I worshiped those dreams. Because there was Jenny.

The dreams always started as dazzling blue sky over the rocky wilderness, amber and barren. The gazing hills hissed enigmatic verses, inaudible but persuasive. And then, there came Jenny. I could not tell how she looked but I would tremble and murmur "Give me your hand and let's say goodbye to everyone."

"How time flies..." she whirled and sighed.

"Like a winding creek?" my mind started blanking out. "Or wading in a still water?"

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作者:pearl 留言时间:2014-02-15 20:19:27
She came, and waved, under Southwest's crystal blue sky and amidst sea of blue bonnet.

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Beso Rapido
来自: Besoton
注册日期: 2014-01-22
访问总量: 2,861 次
· Once upon a time, there was Je
· pearl:pearl的博格: 沙与花
【Once upon a time in Texas】
· Once upon a time, there was Je
2014-01-26 - 2014-01-26
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