山火来了 照片是今天(7月22日)5PM拍的。 

蘑菇状烟 南加州一年一度的山火季节到了!每逢夏季,烈日炎炎,户外的温度经常超过100o F。山区野外不缺枯草干柴,只要一颗火星,瞬间引爆。加上干燥的阵风 (时速40英里),火借风势,迅速蔓延成一场燎原大火。


家门惊瞥 记得有一年大火逼近,天空是暗的,黑烟蔽日,空气的味儿好比在中国乡下老式灶房烧柴。整个社区被强制疏离。过后回家,周围仿佛经历过一场火山爆发,到处是一层厚厚的灰泥。 当然,郊外的房地产税里包括了山坡消防的费用。每家的火灾保险也是必不可少的。做南加州人既然常年享受灿烂的阳光,就还得有面对火灾地震的精神准备。老天爷对地球是公平的。 入夜之后,可以看到远处山巅大片火光。野火迄今已经烧毁超过1万亩土地,附近地区已经下达了强制撤离令。
Wildfire - Los Angeles County, CA, 12 hours later #SandFire UPDATE ... 300 firefighters are working the fire throughout the evening. Two (2) LA County Fire Hawks are continuing to make water drops throughout the night ...

24 hours later: #SandFire-Sand Canyon mandatory evac extended. Now all residents from Lost Canyon to Bear Divide ... 
36 hours later: #SandFire-22K acres,10% contain. Evacs/road closures same. Sand Cyn, Placrta Cyn remain vigilant; Soledad, Agua Dulce, Acton-high alert. 
山不见了 48 hours later: Santa Clarita area wildfire continues to rage out control. So far, 18 structures have been destroyed; 14 Freeway closed in both directions.

72 hours later: The Sand fire in the Santa Clarita Valley has burned more than 33000 acres and continues ... thousands evacuated in northern LA County. 
108 hours later: So far, the fire has burned 38,346 acres. A total
of 2,937 firefighters are battling the blaze. The wildfire prompted the
evacuation of at least 10,000 homes. The blaze is 40% contained. 
Aug 3, 2016 - SANTA CLARITA — The Sand fire was 100 percent contained this morning, authorities said.The fire burned 41432 acres since it broke out.