
有虎妈一说,从严教育子女。老海基本上就是羊爸,放羊让孩子自由发展。没想到有一天居然也升格做了藤爸 (常春藤校学生的爸)。感谢女儿带来的荣耀!老海这辈子是爬不上常春藤了,老子不行,看下一代,飞上藤枝,雀变凤凰。
哥伦比亚大学介绍 Columbia University established in 1754, is a private Ivy League research university. With an undergraduate acceptance rate of 5.5%, Columbia currently stands as the third most selective college in the United States and the second most selective in the Ivy League. The university has graduated many notable alumni. As of 2017, alumni and affiliates include 5 Founding Fathers of the United States – among these an author of the Declaration of Independence and an author of the United States Constitution; 10 Justices of the United States Supreme Court; 95 Nobel laureates; 20 living billionaires; 125 Pulitzer Prize winners; 39 Oscar winners; 3 United States Presidents; 29 heads of state; 101 National Academy members; 77 National Medal of Science winners; and 23 National Humanities Medal recipients.
录取上榜学校: UCI+奖学金, USC, UCLA, UCBerkeley, Columbia(藤), UPenn(藤)