今天从yahoo新闻上看来的。蒙大拿州一家Papa John’s半夜快打烊时,一男人拿着刀闯入店中,命令店员把当天的营业收入交出来,店员遵命把钱交给他,不想这抢劫的哥们居然哭了起来,他说之所以抢劫是因为他没钱给挨饿的老婆孩子买食物。店员于是大发慈悲,和抢劫者边聊边为他做了比萨和鸡翅,抢劫者也耐心地等候,最后带着食物离开。店员的这一做法,警察也交口称赞。新闻开头两句挺有哲理味儿:当一件罪案发生时,不一定非黑即白;因为有些人犯罪,并不意味着他就是坏人。 When a crime is committed, it’s not always a matter of black and white: Just because someone commits a crime does not mean that person is automatically bad. Take what happened at a Papa John’s in the Helena, Montana, area. A man, armed with a knife, allegedly walked into the pizzeria early Tuesday morning as the staff was closing for the night and passed the clerk a note demanding money from the register. When the clerk began taking money out of the register to give to the alleged robber, the robber began to cry. As he cried, he explained to the clerk that he needed money for his wife and children, who were hungry. The warm-hearted clerk spoke to the man and decided to make him a pizza and some chicken wings. The man waited patiently at a table while the clerk prepared the meal, and when it was done, he took the food and left. Helena Police Chief Troy McGee hailed the clerk for handling the delicate and dangerous situation so well. “I’d say the clerk was pretty astute; I mean, he knows how to talk to this person. Kind of commiserated with him a little. Talked to him about it and you know actually changed his mind about robbing the place. That was pretty good.” |