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· 我是这样混进北京空军的 (一)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (五)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (四)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (三) 又
· 混在北京空军的日子 (二):战
· 混在北京空军的日子(一): 离家
· 百分之九十的美国人认为中国是威
· 蔡铮《红安故事》: 六个半 (二
· 红安故事:六个半
【National Development】
· 帮女儿做大提琴
· 女儿被斯坦福提前录取了
· 特朗普挑一“流氓经૮
· 老友熊飞骏
· 致獄中徐曉
· 徐晓为什么被捕?
· 讲给女儿听的故事
· 让美好的美好
· 针对转基因农产品的国家方略
· 《一个解放军的1989》出版后记
· 我是这样混进北京空军的 (一)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (五)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (四)
· 混在北京空军的日子 (三) 又
· 混在北京空军的日子 (二):战
· 混在北京空军的日子(一): 离家
· 百分之九十的美国人认为中国是威
· 百分之九十的美国人&a
· 跟黑人打交道
· 被弟弟欺负的大卫
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大女儿一岁多后夜里就老缠着我讲故事。累了,懒得翻书,就闭着眼给她讲。故事多是我听过或看过的。后来把这些故事用英文写下来,让老师讲给美国孩子听, 孩子们也喜欢。父母(爷爷奶奶)们请用自己的话给孩子讲这些故事。请根据情况添枝加叶或剪枝去叶。每个故事可设计一些问题,跟孩子共同探讨答案。故事中的每个小节都是一副或几幅图画,可让孩子依据文字作画(各故事配有意译英文);每个故事完全配图后即是一册连环画。有建议,有好画,请寄蔡铮 caizane0@gmail.com.
7。大师给他一个瓶子, “空手去把庙里的蚊子苍蝇抓起来。别伤着他们。把它们装在瓶子里,带到山脚去放生。庙里没有一个蚊子苍蝇时再来见我。”
10。 三年后庙里找不到一只苍蝇蚊子。石头高高兴兴去见大师,“师父,现在可以教我武功吗?”
13。他在大雪中砍着, 在烈日下剁着。
17。 两头猪越来越重, 在狭窄的山路上抱上抱下越来越难。
17。三年后猪长得又肥又大。石头抱着猪高高兴兴去见大师, “师父,现在可以教我武功吗?”
       石头说:“再不用怕他们。我会打败他们!” 他叫附近的年轻人等土匪来时都拿锄头来与土匪对阵。
22。“谁说话这么大口气?” 飞山虎哈哈大笑着, “我们想上哪儿就上哪!”
      “问问这把斧头答应不?” 石头挥舞着他的斧头。
26。箭都没射着石头。飞山虎狂叫着,“让我给你点颜色瞧瞧!”  他跳下马,挥舞着铁棍扑向石头。
29。石头抓住飞山虎的脚,悠起他来, 象悠一头猪。悠了一百圈后石头叫声:“去吧!” 一下把飞山虎丢到天上。
30。飞山虎被丢得老高。他不会飞。“砰!” 他跌落在地,摔了个嘴啃地。
3。吃了半罐玉米饭,皇帝能说话了。他说:“真好吃!你叫什么名字? ----我要重重赏你!”
4。这个妇女没说话。她忙拎了剩饭走了。皇帝又有了气力。 他站起来去找他打散的部队。
5。多年后皇帝统一了天下。他天天山珍海味。可他成天抱怨:“ 这些东西是人吃的吗?厨师都是干什么吃的?把他们统统都赶出去喂猪!”
10。玉米饭好香好香。皇帝尝了一口,吼起来:“你给我做的什么东西?全是沙子石头!你想害死我?-- 把他拖出去,打一百大棍!”
14。玉米饭好香好香。皇帝尝了一口,吼起来:“你给我做的什么东西?全是沙子石头!你想害死我?-- 把他拖出去,打两百大棍!”
18。玉米饭好香好香。皇帝尝了一口,吼起来:“你给我做的什么东西?全是沙子石头!你想害死我?-- 把他带出去,打三百大棍!”
丞相连连摇头:“不行不行!宝贝。要是皇帝生气了,他会打你四百大棍!这不要了你的命!-- 没了你,我也活不成!”
皇帝问:“好吃吗?” 说着他拿起筷子。
27。皇帝放下筷子。他一下明白了: 原来玉米饭不好吃不是人家做的不好。
28。皇帝感谢了厨师---实际上是丞相的女儿雯雯。然后他招来那三个被打的厨师,对他们赔礼道歉,并按他们挨打的轻重赔偿黄金:  一百棍一百两黄金,两百棍两百两黄金,三百棍三百两黄金。
 ( 注:“雯雯”是我女儿名字 -- 如有女儿,请用你女儿名字替代“雯雯”)

3。 肚子饿极了时他才停下来吃稀饭。
4。 吃完他就把上身脱光,躺下来晒太阳。
5。 这时他快活得就象飞在天上。
7。听说他要去给皇帝献宝,村里人都来问他:“你有什么宝贝给皇上呀?” 天福说:“我知道个快活秘方,这个秘方只能告诉皇上。”
9。  天福说:“我的秘方是世界上最好的宝贝!我肯定会得到重赏!”
15。   一个人拿出个比鸡蛋大的珍珠给门卫看。他被放进去了。
16。  一会他捧着一两黄金出来了。
23。 天福说:“我的秘方是世界上最好的宝贝!我肯定会得到重赏!”
25。 天福说:“我给你带来个秘方 --- 这秘方教你感到快活得象飞在天上。”            
26。“皇上,” 天福说,“你每天都早早起来带罐稀饭下地去。
28。 肚子饿极了时你才停下来吃稀饭。
32。可皇帝说:“你给我的礼物真正是最好的!”  他下令赏给天福一千两黄金。从没人得过这么重的奖赏。
35。 在地里他埋头苦干。
2。 那人晃着手上的刀说:“放了它? 你给我养家?”
3。 康德说:“你放了它,我给你钱!”
5。康德哈下腰摸着狗脚上的伤。“我看你也没地方好去。愿意跟我走吗?” 狗点了点头。
11。 两个坏蛋上来把康德身上的钱搜罗一空,然后把他的手脚都捆起来,再用张破席子把他裹住。
17。 一个月过去了,没见坏蛋的影儿,也没见他们的船。康德要回家。他带着狗去乘船回家。到了船上他突然发现狗不见了。
18。 他慌忙在船上四处找狗。船上没有。他忙下船到码头四处问。谁也没见他的狗。
19。 康德回到城里,四处找他的狗。整整找了一个月,还是未见他的狗。
21。 一天早上,他听人说在码头边见到一条死狗。他忙跑到码头边。刚到码头边,他就看见他的狗 -- 他还活着。他向狗跑过去,狗也向他冲过来。
24。 一会他们来到市场上。狗停在一个人后面叫起来。
26。 康德一下就认出了这个人-- 他就是那个拿刀的坏蛋!他刮了胡子,换了衣服。康德大叫:“抓住他!他是个打劫的!”
28。 狗又叫起来,朝码头跑去。康德和两个侦探跟着狗。
29。 狗跳到岸边停着的一艘空船上。康德一下认出了这船: 这就是他上回坐的那条船,只是它被漆成了灰色。
30。 他们在船舱里躲起来。一会,两个匪徒摇着一条小船过来,跳到这条船上。
32。 看到两个匪徒被绑起来带走了, 狗跳起来,欢快地叫起来。
7。 西瓜长啊长,第六天就长好大好大。
10。村里的一个地主便来问农夫:“ 你怎么种出满肚子珍珠的西瓜呀?”
12。听到这些, 地主忙跑回家。他家门前也有棵枫树,枫树上也有个麻雀窝,窝里也有几只小麻雀。
18。 西瓜长啊长,不久就长好大好大。
20。他一刀下去 ---噗!又黑又臭的稀泥从西瓜里喷出来,炸了他一脸!
4。 一个过路老人对小贩说:“你怎么对个老道人这么凶?”
     小贩说:“ 这个要个桃,那个要个桃,我都白给,我这生意还做不做?”
5。“好吧, 我掏钱。”那个老人回头对道士说:“师父,你要吃多少拿多少,都在我身上。”
9。 马上有人递给他一壶水。道士把水浇在那埋桃核的新土上,然后高喝一声:“长!”
11。 眨眼功夫,那树芽就长成一棵小桃树。它越长越高,那树枝伸张开来,逼得看热闹的都忙忙后退。
16。道士说:“请大家摘了尝尝吧。” 说完,他先摘了一只吃了。大家也跟着涌上来摘桃吃。
17。一会桃子就没了。道士问:“好吃吗?” 大家都叫:“好吃!”
18。马上有人递给他一把斧头。道士接过斧头,对准树干一斧头砍下去。“噗” 的一声,桃树象气球放了气, 迅速缩小。
21。卖桃的小贩也跟着回到摊前。他目瞪口呆:他的桃子都没了!他拉桃子的板车把手还被砍了个大缺口!-- 原来那棵树上的桃子都是他的,那道士砍的是他的车把手!
22。他慌忙大叫:“抓住那个道士!抓住他!” 可大家都四散而去,没人理他。他慌忙朝街尾追去,可道士早无影无踪。
4。 第二天一早天还未亮师兄弟们就被叫起来。他们都出发到树林里去打柴。直到天黑也没人教他们什么。
    “好!” 大师说。他把筷子往桌上一转就就转出两个美女。
16。大师同意了。他教龙龙在心里说“走!过!走!过!走--走--过!” 三次,然后去穿他们面前的一堵墙。龙龙在心里念了“走!过!走!过!走--走--过!” 三次,然后走向那堵墙。
19。太神了!他又回过头来,在心里念了“走!过!走!过!走--走--过!” 三次然后朝墙走过去。他又回到墙这边。
22。 他在心里念了“走!过!走!过!走--走--过!” 三次,然后朝墙跑过去。
23。砰! 他一头撞在墙上,跌倒在地。他头上隆起一个大包。
24。 他的朋友都忍不住大笑起来。几个朋友忙去扶他起来。
26。砰! 他又一头撞在墙上,跌倒在地。他头上又隆起一个大包。
27。他的朋友把他扶起来。他捂着头上的大包, 再也不敢试了。从此后他再不敢吹嘘他的穿墙术。
1.   林客前生是个政府高官,五十岁时就死了。死后他来到阴间阎王面前。阎王一查他履历,发现他是个贪官,吼道:“我要罚你来生做马!”
2.   林客高叫:“我不想做马! 别让我做马!”可一群小鬼不由分说抓住他就往外拖。 他边挣扎边大叫:“我不做 马!我不做马!”小鬼便用棍子猛抽他。他被打昏了。
3.   他醒来时发现自己在个马厩里,已经是一个小儿马。他听到有人叫,“下了个小公马!”
4.   林客能听懂人说什么,可他不能说话。他饿极了,只得跪下去咬着母马的奶头吸奶。
5.   几个月后它就被带到草原上。它不想吃草,可它饿得受不了,也只得跟着别的马低头吃草。
6.   两年后它长成了一匹强壮的马。幸运的是,它的主人待他很好,每次骑它都给它配上好鞍子,他也从不抽打它。
7.   可是主人的仆人对它就没那么好。他们骑它时从不架鞍子,一骑上去就用靴子踢他,痛得他要命。
8.   不久它主人死了,它落到那些仆人手上。他们天天骑它,天天打它。它实在忍无可忍。于是它不吃不喝,把自己饿死了。
9.   死后他又来到阎王面前。阎王说:“你刑期不到就回来了。好,你不想做马,这回我让你变条狗。”
10  林客大叫:“我不做狗!我不做狗!”可一群小鬼扑上来抡起棍子劈头盖脸打他。为躲避抽打,他只得往外跑。  那些小鬼一路追打他。一会他跑到一个悬崖边。他宁死也不做狗!他闭上眼,往下一跳!
11  他跳到地上,睁开眼四处看。他发现他落在个狗窝里,变成了个小狗崽!狗妈妈正用湿热的长舌头舔他脸!
12  林客羞死了!他不想做个狗活着!可它饿得没法,也只得巴到狗妈妈胸上去吸奶。
13  过了些天,狗妈妈没奶了,它也只得去舔吃地上盘子里的东西。
14  它慢慢长大了。主人在它脖子上系个套子,用根绳子牵着。主人一拖那绳子,那套子就勒进它脖子,痛得钻心!
1.  一天它主人拖它走,套子勒得它喘不过气来。它实在忍无可忍,跳起来一口咬在主人屁股上,咬下一块肉。主人气疯了,抡起棍子一顿暴打,把它打死了。
16  林客又回到阴间阎王面前。阎王吼道:“你怎么啦?没完成刑期不说,还犯了罪!得罚你一百大棍,再让你变条蛇!”
17  林客大叫:“我不做蛇!我不做蛇!”可小鬼过来拖起他,把他丢到一个黑屋里,锁上门走了。
18  林客呆在那个黑黢黢的屋里闷得要死。他便顺着墙爬。他发现墙上有个洞,他就从那个洞里钻出去。他一出来,忽然发现自己已变成一条蛇!
19  它只得在地上扭扭摆摆爬行。这回它发誓要做条蛇服完刑期,再也不干伤人的事。它只吃野菜和土。
20  一天它正要过马路,一辆马车飞跑过来,它躲闪不及,那轮子碾在它身上,把它碾做两截。它痛得在地上乱扭乱蹦,不一会就痛死了。
21  他又来到阎王面前。阎王说:“这回我要让你变个人。”一个小鬼就过来领他到一个漂亮房里软和和的床上去睡觉。
22  他一醒来,发现自己光着身子,冷得要命, 他忍不住尖叫。 马上他听到人说:“林老爷,恭喜你!是个公子!”他这才意识到他已投胎变成了人。
23  他投胎到了一个读书人家。他父亲是个著名学者。三岁时父亲就教他读书写字。林客喜欢读书写字,他读书特别用功。
24  长大后他很轻松地通过科举考试,不久就成了一个政府高官。他对谁都好,清廉守法,成了远近闻名的好官。
25  可是他永远记得他前世因贪污做过马、做过狗和做过蛇的经历。因此
从前有个好打仗的皇帝,他左眼中过箭, 眼里空空无珠,左脚被人砍了,短了一截。
他们找来一个大画家: 他画的花往墙上一挂,蜜蜂就飞进来巴满那些花;他画的鸟往桌上一放,猫就跳上去抓那些鸟。
那画里皇帝的左眼空洞无珠,左脚短了一截。一见那画,皇帝大发雷霆,狂吼:“我哪是这个样子?这不是要让后人笑话我吗? 来人啦,把他拉出去杀了!”
他花了三个月给皇帝画像。画好,他很得意,便把画送给皇帝看。一见那画,皇帝大发雷霆, 狂吼:“我哪是这个样子?这不是笑话我吗?来人啦!把他拉出去杀了!”

皇帝又下令去找最高明的画家。他们又找来一个大画家。这个画家画的猫往屋里一挂,老鼠就不敢进那屋; 他画的桃树化开花落,四季不息。

他听说皇帝杀了把他画得真的人,又杀了把他画得假的人,吓得不敢动笔。他三天三夜睡不着,吃不下,在屋里走来走去: 怎么画他才能保住脑袋?

三天后他终于想出画法:  让皇帝跛脚踏在石头上,弯弓眯眼瞄准扑过来的大老虎!




Text Copyright By Zheng Cai 
The Martial Arts Master
Based on a Folk Tale in Hongan County
Once upon a time, a group of bandits lived in a hut on a mountaintop.  The bandits’ leader was called Flying Tiger.
Flying Tiger was good at martial arts. 
v  He could pierce a tiny leaf with an arrow from a hundred feet away. 
v  He could wave an iron stick so fast that, when you poured a bucket of water over him, not a drop would wet his hair. 
v  With one kick, he could break the strongest wall and bring down a house.
Flying Tiger and his men robbed nearby villagers of their valuables.  The villagers cried and shivered as the bandits broke into their homes.
A boy named Rock saw the bandits’ actions.  Clenching his fists, he made up his mind to defeat Flying Tiger.
When Rock was twelve, he left his parents and wandered the country, looking for a martial arts master.
Finally, Rock found one in a monastery atop Wudang Mountain.  He knelt down in front of the master and asked, “Dear master, please take me as your disciple.”
The master asked, “Are you willing to spend years serving me before I teach you?”
“Yes, I am,”  Rock replied.
The master gave Rock a bottle.  “Go catch mosquitoes and flies in the monastery with your bare hands.  Do not kill any of them.  Put them in the bottle and bring them to the bottom of Wudang Mountain.  When no mosquitoes and flies remain, come see me.”
Rock began catching flies at day and mosquitoes at night.  When the bottle was full, he ran down to the bottom of the mountain to release them, then came back up the mountain to catch more.
Mosquitoes and flies rushed in through the windows and doors of the monastery like smoke and fog.  Even on snowy days, mosquitoes rushed in from nowhere.  They kept Rock busy day and night.
Three years later, Rock couldn’t find any mosquitoes or flies in the monastery.  He went to see the master and asked, “Dear master, will you teach me now?”
“Not yet.”  The master handed Rock a hatchet.  “Go collect firewood.  Find the dead pine trees on the mountain and chop them into pieces as small as coins, give them to the farmers nearby.  When there are no dead pine trees left, come see me.”
Rock took the hatchet and found a patch of dead pine trees.  He chopped them into pieces as small as coins, put them in baskets and brought them to the farmers nearby.
He cut dead pine trees in the snow.  He cut them in the burning sun.
Three years later, he couldn’t find any dead pine trees on the mountain. He went to see the master and asked, “Dear master, will you teach me now?”
“Not yet.”  The master called for a servant to bring in two baby pigs.  “Carry these pigs to eat grass at the bottom of the mountain in the morning.  Carry them back in the evening.  Never let them walk on the way.  When they grow big, come see me.”
Rock began raising pigs.  Every morning, he carried them miles down to the bottom of the mountain.  Every evening, he carried them miles up to the top of the mountain.
The pigs grew heavier and heavier and it got harder and harder to carry them up and down the narrow trail.
Three years later, the pigs were huge.  Rock carried the pigs to see the master.  “Dear master, will you teach me now?”
The master smiled.  “You are already a martial arts master.  Take the hatchet and go.”
Rock took the hatchet and went back home.
His parents were overjoyed at his return.  Villagers crowded his house.  They told Rock that Flying Tiger still robbed the villages every month.
Rock said, “Don’t be afraid any longer!  I will defeat them!”  He asked all the young men from the nearby villages to bring spades to face the bandits when they came.
A few days later, Flying Tiger and his men came.  Lots of young men in nearby villages gathered to face the bandits.  Rock stood in front of them, holding his hatchet.  He said to the bandits, “From now on, none of you should set your feet in the villages!”
“Why are you talking so proudly?” Flying Tiger laughed.  “We’ll go anywhere we want to.”
“Ask my hatchet whether it agrees!” Rock waved his hatchet.
Flying Tiger mocked, “Watch my arrows!”  He shot at Rock.
Rock caught the arrows between his fingers.  It was just like catching mosquitoes and flies.
“Shoot!” Flying Tiger ordered.  All the bandits aimed their bows and arrows.  They shot at Rock, but Rock caught their arrows.  It was just like catching flies and mosquitoes.
Not a single arrow hit Rock.  Flying Tiger roared, “Let me teach you a lesson!”  He jumped off his horse, waved his iron pole, and ran toward Rock.
Rock swung his hatchet so fast that he chopped Flying Tiger’s iron pole into pieces as small as coins.
Moments later, only a butt was left of Flying Tiger’s mighty iron pole.
Flying Tiger threw the butt away and jumped up to kick Rock.
Rock seized Flying Tiger’s feet and swung him.  It was just like swinging a pig.  After a hundred rounds of swinging, Rock roared, “Go!” and threw Flying Tiger into the sky.
Flying Tiger was thrown high up into the sky, but he couldn’t fly.  Pong!  He dropped down to the ground like a piece of rock.  He broke his face and ribs.
The bandits were scared to death.  Every last one ran away.  Flying Tiger limped off. The villagers cheered.
Rock became known as the villages’ Kung Fu master.  Young men flooded his home to learn martial arts.  He trained the villagers to defend themselves.  None of the bandits ever returned to rob the villages, and peace spread throughout the towns.
The Most Delicious Food
Based on a Story Told by Cai Weicai (1920-1991)
1.      When the emperor was young, he lost a war. He climbed a mountain for three days without any food. When he reached the mountain’s base, he was starving to death. He lay down in a field.
2.      At noon, a woman passed by.  She was bringing a pot of steamed corn to her husband, who was out plowing the fields. Thinking the emperor was a dying beggar, she fed the steamed corn to him.
3.      After eating half a pot of the steamed corn, the emperor revived.  He said to the woman, “This is the most delicious food I have ever had!  I will reward you richly for your food.”
4.      The woman did not reply and rushed to take the rest of the food to her husband. The emperor regained his energy and went to look for his scattered army.
5.      Years later, the emperor had rebuilt his army. He conquered the whole country. He had all kinds of delicacies to eat, but was very unhappy with them. “These foods are tasteless!” he complained. “I don’t want to eat any of them!  Fire all the cooks!”
6.      He remembered the taste of the steamed corn he had eaten long ago – now, that had been the most delicious food in the world! He ordered his Prime Minister to find the woman and bring her to cook the steamed corn for him.
7.      The Prime Minister sent out officials to look for the woman.  They found her village. But she had passed away a long time.
8.      Then the emperor ordered the Prime Minister to conduct a country-wide search for the top cook. The best cook of all China was found and brought to the palace.
9.      The cook used the skills passed on through many generations of his family to cook the steamed corn. When the steamed corn was ready, he brought it to the emperor.
10.  The steamed corn smelled sweet, with a hint of spices.  The emperor tasted it and roared, “What junk did you cook for me?  It is sand and rocks!  Do you want to torture me?”
11.  “Take him out and give him one hundred stick-lashes!” ordered the emperor. 
The guards seized the cook. “Forgive me, your majesty…” the cook cried.
The emperor was too angry to forgive him.  He ordered the Prime Minister to search high and low to find the top cook to cook steamed corn.
12.  A second cook was brought to the palace.  He thought, “Why would the emperor want plain corn?”  He decided to add special ingredients to cook the steamed corn.
13.  He used the skills passed on through many generations of his family to cook the steamed corn. When the steamed corn was ready, he brought it to the emperor.
14.  The steamed corn smelled sweet, with a hint of spices. The emperor tasted it and roared, “What junk did you cook for me?  It is sand and rocks!  Do you want to torture me?”
15.  “Take him out and give him two hundred stick-lashes!” ordered the emperor. 
The guards seized the cook. “Forgive me, your majesty…” the cook cried.
The emperor was too angry to forgive him.  He ordered the Prime Minister to search high and low to find a top cook to cook steamed corn for him.
16.  A third cook was brought to the palace. He thought, “Why would the emperor want plain corn?”  He decided to make powder from delicious foods and shape the powder to look like corn granules.
17.  Then he used the skills passed on through many generations of his family to cook the steamed corn. When the steamed corn was ready, he brought it to the emperor.
18.  The steamed corn smelled sweet, with a hint of spices. The emperor tasted it and roared, “What junk did you cook for me?  It is sand and rocks!  Do you want to torture me?”
19.  “Take him out and give him three hundred stick-lashes!” ordered the emperor. 
The guards seized the cook. “Forgive me, your majesty…” the cook cried.
The emperor was too angry to forgive him.  He ordered the Prime Minister to search high and low to find someone who could cook steamed corn to perfection.
20.  Nobody dared to claim to be a good cook. Officials searched the country for a good cook, with no success.
The emperor was mad at everyone, but especially at the Prime Minister.
21.  The Prime Minister worried so much that he could not help “Ai --- Ai---” sighing at home.
The Prime Minister’s twelve-year old daughter, Wenwen, asked him, “What is worrying you so much, Daddy?”
22.  “The emperor wants to eat steamed corn, because he ate it once when he had been starving for three days and thought it was the best food on earth.  Now no-one can cook steamed corn to satisfy his taste buds,” replied the Prime Minister.
23.  “I can.  Let me cook for the emperor,” said Wenwen.
The Prime Minister shook his head.  “No, no, no, sweetheart.  If the emperor gets mad, he will give you three hundred stick-lashes!”
“Don’t worry, just trust me, Daddy!” said Wenwen.
24.  The Prime Minister knew that his daughter was good at everything.  Though she rarely cooked, whatever she cooked tasted wonderful. The Prime Minister had to let her have a try.
25.  The next day, Wenwen disguised herself as a man.  She claimed to be the best cook in all of China and was brought to the palace to cook for the emperor.
26.  Wenwen cooked a bowl of plain steamed corn and brought it to the emperor.
27.  The emperor asked, “How does it taste?”  He picked up his chopsticks.
28.  Wenwen held the bowl and replied, “Your majesty, I guarantee you it is the most delicious food you have ever tasted.  But I have a request before you eat it.”
“What request?” asked the emperor.
“Before eat this, you need to climb a mountain for three days and nights without eating anything.” Replied Wenwen.
29.  The emperor put down his chopsticks.  He suddenly realized that the problem was not with the food he was being served.
30.  He thanked the cook, who was actually the Prime Minister’s daughter, Wenwen. Then he called in all the cooks who had made him steamed corn, apologized, and paid them according to the lashes they got: one piece of gold for each lash they got.
31.    After that, he happily ate whatever food was placed before him. Everyone was happy again, especially the Prime Minister and his daughter, Wenwen.
A Secret to the Emperor
 Based on the Chinese Idiom “The Farmer Dedicated Exposing Bare Belly in the Sun to the Emperor”
Once upon a time, there was a farmer living in a mountain village, whose name was Tan. Every day he got up at dawn and went to work in the fields with a pot of rice porridge.
v  In the fields he worked as hard as he could.
v  When he felt really hungry, he ate the porridge.
v  Then he took off his coat and shirt and lay down, with his bare belly facing the warm sun.
He felt like he was flying in heaven!
One day, he heard that if you gave the emperor the most valuable thing in the world, you would receive a great reward. Tan knew the most valuable secret – how to make one feel like he was flying in heaven!  He decided to bring this secret to the emperor.
On hearing of Tan’s trip to see the emperor, the villagers came to see him.  “What great treasure do you have?” they asked.
 Tan replied that he had a secret, and that the secret was for the emperor’s ears alone.
“Don’t go!” the villagers pleaded with him.  “If the emperor feels like he has been tricked, you will be beheaded!”
“My secret is the most valuable thing in the world,” said Tan.  “I will receive a great reward.”
He took all the money he had gotten from the past year’s harvest and set out toward the capital.
On his way, people heard that he was going to see the emperor, they asked him what he had for the emperor.
Tan replied that he had a secret, and that the secret was for the emperor’s ears alone.
“Don’t go!” the people pleaded with him.  “If the emperor feels like he has been tricked, you will be beheaded!”
“My secret is the most valuable thing in the world,” said Tan.  “I will receive a great reward.”
After three months of walking on foot, Tan reached the capital.
At the gate of Forbidden City, people had lined up to give the most valuable thing in the world to the emperor.
One showed the guards a shining pearl as big as an egg.  He was let in.
Moments later he returned with a piece of gold.
A second person carried a silk shirt.  The shirt made one feel cool in summer and warm in winter. He was let in.
Moments later he returned with two pieces of gold.
The third person in line had a painting.  In the painting a peacock was opening and closing its beautiful tail and singing a sweet song.  He was let in.
Moments later he returned with three pieces of gold.
Finally, it was Tan’s turn.  The guards asked him what he had for the emperor.
Tan replied that he had a secret, and that the secret was for the emperor’s ears alone.
“Leave here now,” the guard told Tan. “If the emperor feels like he has been tricked, you will be beheaded!”
 “My secret is the most valuable thing in the world,” said Tan.  “I will receive a great reward.”
The guard had to let him in. Finally, after many doors and many rooms, Tan arrived at the emperor’s chamber and faced the emperor. The emperor asked, “What have you brought for me?”
 “Your Majesty, I have brought you a secret – how to feel like you are flying in heaven!” replied Tan.
The emperor had the best food, clothes, and palace in the world, but nothing had ever made him feel like he was flying in heaven. Eagerly he asked, “Really?  Let me know!” 
“Your Majesty,” began Tan, “You get up at dawn and go to work in the fields with a pot of rice porridge.”
“In the fields you work as hard as you can.
When you feel really hungry, you eat the porridge.”
“Then you take off your coat and shirt and lie down, with your bare belly facing the warm sun.
“You will feel like you are flying in heaven!”
 All the guards in the palace could not help laughing.
But the emperor said, “Your gift to me is really the most valuable!”
He ordered Tan be given a thousand pieces of gold - the biggest reward he had ever given!
Tan went home happily with a cart full of gold. 
He became really rich now. Although he was rich, still every day he got up at dawn and went to work in the fields with a pot of rice porridge.
v  In the fields he worked as hard as he could.
v  When he felt really hungry, he ate the porridge.
v  Then he took off his coat and shirt and lay down, with his bare belly facing the warm sun.
He felt like he was flying in heaven!
The Loyal Dog
Based on “The Loyal Dog” by Pu Songling (1640-1711)
1.      On his way home, Kongda saw a butcher tying a dog to a tree.  The dog was yelping and howling.
2.      Kongda asked the butcher, “Excuse me, sir.  Why don’t you let this dog go?”
The butcher replied, “Let him go?  You’re going to support my family, are you?”
3.      “Let him go!” cried Kongda .  “I’ll pay you for him.”
“Will you, indeed?” mocked the butcher.  “I spent two hundred on this dog, and I expect to make another two hundred from him.”
“Here is four hundred.  Please - just let him go!” 
4.      The butcher took the money and untied the dog.  “Go, you are free!” Kongda told the dog. But the dog walked over to Kongda and licked his shoes.
5.      Kongda bent over the dog and felt the dog’s wounded feet.  “I guess you have no good place to go.  How about going with me?” The dog nodded.
6.      Kongda stood up and walked toward the dock. The dog followed him closely.
7.      There was a yellow boat docked by the bank.  Kongda and dog got in it.
8.      Kongda shared his food with the dog, and both of them ate until they were full. As it got dark, they laid down together to sleep.
9.      In the middle of the night, the dog’s cries woke Kongda .  He sat up and saw the owner of the boat standing over him.
“Where is my dog?” Kongda asked. “We drowned him. Now it’s your turn.”
10.  Kongda realized that he had run into robbers. He pleaded, “Take all my money, please let me go.”
The robber laughed, “Let you go? So you can get the policemen to capture us?”
11.  Two other robbers came over. They took all the money from Kongda , tied his hands and feet tightly, and wrapped him in an old bamboo sheet. Then they threw him into the river and rowed away in a hurry.
12.  As Kongda sunk to the bottom of the river, he felt something - someone was pulling him up preventing him from sinking. When his head was out of the water, he saw it was the dog!
13.  The dog bit into the sheet and swam for shore, keeping Kongda ’s face out of the water.
14.  The dog pulled Kongda up onto the bank as the sun was rising. He tried to bite through the rope, but failed. Then he ran toward rising smoke.
15.  After a long run, he entered a village. He got close to a group of villagers and barked furiously.  Several young men took their knives and followed him.
16.  They found Kongda . They cut through the ropes.  Kongda told them what had happened.
17.  Kongda thanked the villagers.   Then he went to report the robbery.  Several detectives started searching for the robbers.  Kongda and his dog joined in the search.
18.  After one month had passed, no trace of the boat or robbers had been found.  Kongda had to go home. He went to the dock with his dog.  After boarding a boat, he suddenly realized his dog was gone!
19.  He searched the boat.  His dog was nowhere to be seen.  He left the boat and started asking around.  None had seen his dog.
Day and night, he wandered the town, looking for his dog. After one month of looking, he hadn’t found his dog.
20.   “Your dog must be dead. Forget him.” People told him.   “If he is dead, I must find his body and take it home to bury it,” said Kongda .
21.  One morning, Kongda heard that there was a dead dog by the dock. He rushed to the dock.  Right by the dock, he saw his dog - he was alive! He ran toward his dog and his dog ran toward him.
22.  Kongda embraced the dog, and the dog kissed him.  Tears rushed out of Kongda ’s eyes. Kongda said, “Let’s go home.”  He stood up and walked toward the dock.
23.  But the dog did not follow him. He barked and ran toward the town. Kongda had to follow him
24.  After a while, they reached the market place.  The dog stopped at the back of a man and started barking fiercely at him.
25.  The man turned around and was about to kick the dog; the dog jumped up and bit the man’s hat off his head!
26.  Kongda looked at the man - he was the robber who had held the knife!  He had shaved his beard off and changed his clothes.  Kongda shouted, “Catch him!  He is a robber!”
27.  The robber tried to run away.  People around grabbed him and took him into custody.
28.  The dog barked again and ran toward the dock.  Kongda followed him with two detectives.
29.  The dog jumped onto an empty boat.  Kongda recognized the boat, too - it was the robbers’ boat!  It had since been painted gray.
30.  Kongda , dog, and detectives hid in the boat.  Moments later, two other robbers rowed up in a smaller boat and jumped over the side of the boat.
31.  The detectives jumped up.  Shocked, the robbers tried to pull out their knives to fight their way out. But the detectives were martial arts masters.  They caught the robbers as cats catch mice.
32.  Seeing that the two robbers had been tied up and taken to custody, the dog jumped up and barked cheerfully.
33.  Kongda hugged the dog and said, “We can go home now.”  They got into a passenger boat and sailed for home.
The Watermelon Seed
Based on a Chinese Folktale
1.      Once upon a time, there was a farmer in a village. In front of the farmer’s house, there was a maple tree. On the tree there was a sparrow’s nest. In the nest, there were several baby sparrows.
2.      One day, a baby sparrow fell out of the nest and dropped on the ground.
3.      The farmer picked up the sparrow and found her wing broken. “Poor little baby,” sadly the farmer said. He applied oil and powder on her wound, wrapped the wing with clothes and put her back to the nest.
4.      Days later, the sparrow recovered and grew up. She flew out of the nest and returned with a watermelon seed. She landed on the farmer’s shoulder and dropped the seed on his palm.
5.      The seed was big and shinning. The farmer planted it in front of his house.
6.      The next day a watermelon shoot grew up and the vine spread quickly. On the vine a beautiful yellow flower came out. When the flower dropped, a watermelon grew up.
7.      The watermelon kept growing and it grew to be huge.
8.      The farmer carried the watermelon onto his table. He cut it open and shining big pearls rolling out of it!
9.      The farmer sold the pearls and became the richest in the village.
10.  A landlord in the village went to ask the farmer how he grew a watermelon full of pearls.
11.  The farmer said, “A baby sparrow dropped out of his nest in the maple tree in front of my house. I picked her up and wrapped her wound with clothes and put her back. When she grew up, she flew out and brought me a watermelon seed. I planted the seed in front of my house and a watermelon was grown. Inside the watermelon were all pearls.”
12.  Heard of this, the landlord went home immediately. There was also a maple tree in front of his house. On the tree there was also a sparrow’s nest. In the nest, there were several baby sparrows.
13.  The landlord got a stick and poked the nest. A little sparrow fell out of the nest and dropped on the ground.
14.  He picked up the sparrow and found her wing broken. “Poor little baby,” sadly the landlord said. He applied oil and powder on the wound, wrapped the wing with clothes, and put her back to the nest.
15.  Days later, the sparrow recovered and grew up. She flew out of the nest and returned with a watermelon seed. She landed on the landlord’s shoulder and dropped the seed on his palm.
16.  The seed was big and shinning. The landlord planted it in front of his house.
17.  The next day a watermelon shoot grew up and the vine spread quickly. On the vine a beautiful yellow flower came out. When the flower dropped, a watermelon grew up.
18.  The watermelon kept growing and it grew to be huge.
19.  The landlord informed all his relatives that he was going to open the watermelon full of pearls. All his relatives were crowded in his house. Two servants carried the watermelon onto the table.
20.  The landlord held the knife to open the watermelon. Just as the knife cut into the watermelon, poo! – stinky black cream burst out of  it and splashed all over his face!
The Peach Tree
(Based on “Planting a Pear Tree” by Pu Songling (1670-1741))
One day an exhausted monk came to a peach peddler, “Excuse, could you please give me a peach? ”
The peddler said, “Money first.”
The monk said, “ I am a wondering monk. I don’t have a penny.”
“No money, no peach. Go away from my stall!” Said the peddler.
 The monk said, “Could you have mercy on me? I am starving to death. I only need one peach, please.”
The peddler waved his hand and shouted, “Go away! Do not ruin my business!” He pushed the monk and tried to drive him away.
Several pass-by came over and stopped the peddler. One elderly man rebuked the peddler, “Why are you so cruel to a poor monk?”
The peddler yelled back, “ I am a businessman. How could I give him my goods without getting paid?”
 The old man said, “OK, I will pay for him.”  And he turned to the monk, “Sir, get as many as you want. It’s on me.” 
The monk said, “Thank you very much. I only need one.” He took one peach. The man paid for him.
The monk finished the peach in no time. He kept the pit in his hand and said to people around him, “I need to do something to repay you kind people. Could somebody get me a shovel?”
A bystander offered him a shovel. The monk took the shovel. He dug a hole by the street and put the pit in the hole. The monk covered the hole with earth and asked, “Could somebody get me a little bit water?”
 Another bystander gave him a pot of water.   The monk watered the fresh earth covering the pit and commanded, “Grow!”
 Just as the water got down, a shoot popped out of the earth. The shoot kept growing and growing.
Seconds later the shoot grew to be a little peach tree. It got taller and bigger. People applauded. They had to back up to let the branches of the tree growing.
When the branches stopped extending, beautiful flowers began to bloom all over the tree.
All the people in the market rushed to see the magic tree. The peach peddler also came over to watch the magic tree.
In another second, the flowers fell off the tree and the little peaches began to grow.
The peaches grew to the size of an egg, then as big as small balls. In no time, peaches turned red.
The monk said to the crowd, “Please help yourself. This is the gift I have for all of you.”  He took one and ate it. People followed him to pick up peach and happily ate it.
When there was no peach on the tree, the monk asked, “Do you enjoy the peaches?”
         “Yes!” applauded the people.
          “Great.” Said the monk, “Now I have to go.  I cannot leave the tree here to block the street. Could somebody give me a hatchet?”
One man passed him a hatchet. The monk waved the hatchet against the tree. When the hatchet cut into the tree, the tree gave out a sound – “poo--!”  Then it shrank just like a balloon let out of air.
The tree shrank back to be a little tree. Then it became a tiny shoot and it kept shrinking.
When the tree disappeared into the earth, the monk said goodbye to the crowd and walked toward the end of the street. And the crowd dispersed.
The peach peddler, after seeing the magic, turned back to his stall. He was paralyzed: all his peaches were gone and there was a mark of fresh cut on his cart handle. Suddenly he realized that the peaches on the tree were all his, and the tree the monk cut was his cart. – This was a trick the monk played on him.
He looked around and shouted,  “Catch the monk! Catch the monk!”  People had dispersed and nobody paid attention to him.  He rushed toward the end of the street. But the monk had long disappeared and left no traces.
Learning Magic
Based on “Laoshan Daoist Master” by Pu Songling (1640-1711)
1.      Longlong wanted to learn some magic. He heard that in Huangshan Mountain lived a master of magic. He traveled a long way to go to the mountain.  In the center of the mountain sat a big monastery. In the center of the monastery sat the master, whose long white beard touched the floor.  Longlong knelt down in front of the master and begged to be his disciple.
2.      The master said, “I am afraid you can not stand the hardship.”
       Longlong said, “I can stand all kinds of hardship. Don’t you worry.”
      The master said, “OK. You may stay.” 
3.      Longlong was overjoyed. He followed a disciple of the master’s to his bedroom. In the bedroom, there was only bare wood board. He was asked to sleep on the wood board.
4.      The next morning when it was still dark, all the disciples were called to get up.
They headed into the forest. Instead of learning magic, all the disciples started to collect wood. Till it got dark, they just collected wood.
5.      Longlong thought that they would be taught magic the next day. The next day, they collected wood for another whole day.
6.      And day after day, they just collected wood. Longlong’s hands were all bloody and covered with scars. After one month, he really could not stand collecting wood any longer. He decided to go home.
7.      At the night he was about to leave, he passed by the master’s room and heard laughing inside. He peeked through the window.
8.      He saw his mater drinking tea with two guests.
9.      One guest said, “It gets dark, let’s hang up the moon.”
     The master took out a piece of paper, cut it to be round and stuck it to the window.
      Immediately the whole room was full of silver moonlight.
10.  The other guest said, “What a beautiful night! Could we have some dancing and singing?”
“Good idea.” Said the master. He swung his chopsticks on the table and the chopsticks swung into two beautiful ladies.
  The ladies began to sing and dance in the middle of the room. The song was so melodious.
11.  The master said, “How about move our table unto the moon? We will have a better view on the earth.” The guests applauded. The table, the chairs and the dancers floated up with the master and his guests.
12.  In no time the master and his guest were drinking tea in the moon.
13.  Amazed, Longlong ran away from the window. He gave up the idea of going home and kept collecting wood.
14.  After one more month, still no one came to teach him any magic,  he felt he could not stand this any longer. He made up his mind to go home. He went to say goodbye to the master.
The master said, “I knew you could not stand the hardship. Bye-bye then.”
Longlong begged, “Dear master, I had worked here for so long. Could you please just teach me a little bit of something?”
15.  The master smiled, “What do you want to learn?” 
Longlong replied, “I often saw you walk through the walls like that they were non-existed. Could you teach me that?”
16.  The master nodded. He told Longlong to say  “Go! Pa!  Go! Pa! Go-go-pa!” three times in his mind and try to walk through the wall in front of them. Longlong said “Go! Pa!  Go! Pa! Go-go-pa!” three times in his mind, then walked toward the wall.
17.  When he got close to the wall, he stopped. The master urged him, “Keep going. Do not hesitate.” Longlong then closed his eyes and walked against the wall.
18.  He opened his eyes. He was overjoyed to find that he was on the other side of the wall! He did pass through the wall!
19.  How amazing! He turned back and said  “Go! Pa!  Go! Pa! Go-go-pa!” three times in his mind and walked against the wall. He was back to the other side of the wall.
20.  Longlong thanked the master and said goodbye to the master. The master said, “Be pure or it will not work.”
21.  When Longlong got back home, he asked all of his friends come to watch his magic power show.When his friends all arrived, he pointed to a brick wall, “I could walk through that wall! Watch!”  “Wa—!”  All of his friends widely opened their eyes.
22.  Longlong said  “Go! Pa!  Go! Pa! Go-go-pa!” three times in his mind and ran toward the wall.
23.  “Pong!” His head hit the wall. He fell unto the ground. A big swelling popped up on his forehead.
24.  His friends could not help laughing. They helped him to stand up.
25.  He pushed them away, backed up and said  “Go! Pa!  Go! Pa! Go-go-pa!” three times in his mind and ran toward the wall again.
26.  “Pong!” His head hit the wall again and he dropped onto the ground. Another swelling popped up on his forehead.
27.   His friends helped him to stand up. He covered his forehead with his hands.   He dared not to try it again.
     Since then he dared not to brag about his magic power anymore.
Three Lives
Based on “Three Lives” by Pu Songling (1640-1711)
1.      In his past life, Lin Ke died at the age of fifty. After his death, he entered the other world. He was brought before  the king in the other world. The king looked over his history and found that he had been a very bad official. He said, “I sentence you to be a horse!”
2.      Lin Ke protested, “No, I do not want to be a horse!” But a group of spirits drove him out . He struggled and cried, “I do not want to be a horse!” The spirits  beat him with sticks. He was knocked unconscious and fell to  the ground.
3.      When he woke up, he found he was in a stable in the shape of a baby pony! He heard someone exclaim, “The horse has given birth to a male pony!”
4.      Lin Ke could understand what people were saying, but he could not speak. And he felt extremely hungry. He had to kneel down to suckle milk from the breasts of the mare.
5.      A few months later he was taken out to the grassland. He hated eating grass, but hunger forced him to follow other horses in eating it.
6.      Years later, he grew to be a strong horse. Fortunately, his owner was very nice to him. Whenever he rode him, he would cover his back with a good saddle and he never whipped him.
7.      But when the servants rode him, they never put anything on his back and they kept kicking him with their boots. The pain caused by the kicks pierced through his heart.
8.      Soon the owner died and he fell into the hands of the servants. They rode him and kicked him every day. Lin Ke could not take it any longer. He refused to eat for three days and died of hunger.
9.      After his death, he entered the other world. He was brought again to the king in the other world. The king said, “You have not finished your term. -- OK, you do not want to be a horse, this time I’ll make you to be a dog!”
10.  Lin Ke protested, “No, no, I do not want to be a dog!” But  a group of spirits  came over and beat him again with sticks. He had to run to avoid the beating. Soon he ran to the edge of a cliff. He would rather die than live on as a dog. Therefore he closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff.
11.  He fell to the ground. He opened his eyes and looked around and found himself in a dog’s kennel! And he was a puppy! The mother dog was licking him with her long slobbery tongue.
12.  Lin Ke was ashamed to be a dog and he did not want to continue living. But hunger forced him to suckle milk from the mother dog’s breasts.
13.  Days later, he had to eat from a pot on the ground.
14.  Slowly he grew up. His owner tied a belt around his neck. The belt cut into his neck and caused almost unbearable pain.
15.  One day when his owner was dragging him by the belt, he almost got choked. He really did not want to go on like this! He jumped up and bit a piece of flesh from his owner’s butt.  His owner got mad and killed him with a stick instantly.
16.  After his death, Lin Ke entered the other world again. He was brought before the king in the other world. The king shouted at him, “Look at what you have done! You hadn’t yet finished your sentence and now you have committed a new crime! – Give him one hundred lashes and put him to be a snake!”
17.  Lin Ke protested, “No, no, I do not want to be a snake!”  But the spirits came over and seized him.  They pushed him into a dark room and locked him there.
18.  Lin Ke was bored in the dark room alone. He climbed the wall and snuck out of the room. Just as he got out, he realized he was a snake!
19.  He had to wiggle among grasses. This time, he decided to finish his sentence as a snake and not harm any living beings. He only ate vegetables and earth.
20.  One day, he was crossing a road. A horse cart came upon him very fast and the wheels rolled over him. He was cut in two in the middle. The sharp pain made him wiggle and jump on the ground.  In a few seconds, he died of the unbearable pain.
21.  After his death, he entered the other world. He faced the king in the other world again. The king said, “Now you can be a human.”  A spirit came over and led him to a decorated bedroom to have a sleep.
22.  When he woke up, he felt naked and cold. He could not help letting out a sharp cry. And he heard someone exclaimed, “Congratulations! Mr. Lin. It’s a man-child!” He realized that he had become a newborn baby.
23.  He was born to a scholar’s family. His father was a famous scholar. He taught him to read and write.  Lin Ke studied very hard.
24.  When he grew up, Lin Ke passed the High-ranking Official Examination. He became a high-ranking official. He was kind to all the people and became a model official.
25.  He never forgot the three lives he had experienced. Therefore
Whenever he rode a horse, he would put a good saddle on the horse’s back and he never kicked the horse.
Whenever he saw people tie a belt around a dog’s neck, he would persuade them to untie it.
Whenever he rode a carriage and saw animals crossing the road, he would stop the carriage and let the animals pass at their own leisure. 
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