| 我们在精锐仪器,那么精锐代表着什么呢? 一个层面:分开解释,“精”和“锐”,而每一个字都有其延伸的含义。对于“精”这个字,有几种含义:精密、精细、最优,我们尽全力把工具做到最精密,并在生产过程中每一个步骤都做到精细化,使得造出的每一把压接工具都是最优。对于“锐”这个字,也有好几种含义:锋利、敏锐、气势磅礴,我们的压接工具好比一把锋利的狂刀,能劈开一切阻碍,带着勇往直前的气势,迅速洞察前方动态,独立驰骋于这个领域。 另一个层面:我们对产品的设计、生产、管理都要求精益求精,并且根据客户及市场需求不断完善。我们专做四芯轴压接工具,我们有这个冲劲,有这个进取心,一直沿着这个方向缔造锋芒。 We are in Precisetool(JingRui Instrument), so what does JingRui mean? One level: we can explain separately, with “Jing” and “Rui”, and each word has its extension. For “Jing”, there exists some meanings: Precise, Exquisite, Best. We take all efforts to make tools the most precise and conduct delicacy management in the process of producing M22520 crimping tools, making the best. For “Rui”, there also exists some meanings: Sharp, Keen, Powerful. Our crimping tool is like a sharp Slasher, it can split all obstacles with unstoppable momentum, taking insight into the condition ahead, gallop across the battlefield. The other level: We pursuit the perfection in the design of products, production and management, and Keeping constantly improving according to the demands of customers and market. We specialize in M22520 four-indent crimping tool, and we have stirrings and enterprise to create a cutting edge in this direction.