RN Registered Nurse 註冊護士,就是本科護士。
LPN Licensed practical nurse 職業臨床護士,就是大專護士。
RT Respiratory Therapists 呼吸師
SW social worker 社工
TS Transition Service 出院時負責檢查病人需要什麼樣水平護理和居住條件的護士
OT occupational therapy 讓生理、心理、發展、或社會功能有障礙的人獲得生活獨立性的專門職業技師
PT Physiotherapist 康復運動理療師
Pharmacist 藥劑師
Family doctor: 家庭醫生
Allergist: treats food and environmental allergies 脫敏專家
Anaesthesiologist: provides pain prevention during surgery 麻醉師
Cardiologist: heart specialist 心臟病專家
Dentist: tooth specialist 牙醫
Dermatologist: skin specialist 皮膚病專家
Gynecologist: specializes in women’s needs 婦科專家(一般在maternity clinical上班)
Midwife: helps women deliver babies 助產士
Neurologist: brain specialist 神經科專家
Oncologist: tumour specialist 腫瘤專家
Ophthalmologist: deals with eye diseases 眼科專家
Pediatrician: treats babies and children 兒科專家
Psychiatrist: mental health specialist 精神科專家
Radiologist: specializes in imaging tests (x-ray, etc.) 放射科專家