Kendall Sims ( To: Hi xxxxxxxxxx,
Thank you for your message. We do not have a list of award winners available.
In service,
PVSA Support Team
-----Original Message-----
Date: 5/27/2016 5:11 PM
Subject: Info about volunteering
Hi, is there a way to view the list of the lifetime achievement award winner for 2016 presidential volunteer service? I will appreciate if you can direct me to that list or provide a list of the award winner. Thank you very much!
ref:_00D30SmO._50032116e8A:ref 告诉大家为什么他们没有名单。答案很简单,因为他们根本就没有。这些奖章和证书是白宫发的但不是他们收集这些资料然后主动发的。而是白宫批准的机构自己花钱到白宫买的。这些东西都很便宜。几美金一个。只要follow the rules就好了。这个在下面的问答里说的很清楚 5. What is a Certifying Organization/Leadership Organization?Certifying Organizations (COs) and Leadership Organizations (LOs) are our partners in identifying and recognizing Americans making a difference through volunteer service. COs/LOs are organizations that have been vetted by the President's Volunteer Service Award program staff, have agreed to follow program rules and uphold the program's integrity, and are authorized to issue Awards to recognize volunteers' verified service hours. The organization must be legally established in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or one of the U.S. territories and fall into one of these categories: 我想在这里重申一下本人对所有志愿者的钦佩。也想就此机会对所有的志愿者表达感激之情。正是因为如此才不希望有人借此捞取个人的名誉。 其实我本来完全没有必要去询问这个的。因为当事人可以在两分钟之内用手机照一下证书,然后把图片贴上来。所有的问题都得到了解答。这个可以很快的把多年的疑问瞬间说的非常明白清楚。 如果当事人贴了这个图。我会第一个站出来对他表达不信任他的歉意。也同时会表达对他的无比敬意。 我没有100%怀疑过当事人。毕竟事实如何对我没啥太大关系。只是觉得很多人对他说到东西保持了这么久的怀疑。要证明自己的清白只需要2分钟的时间。这么简单的事,这位当事人可以扭扭捏捏的扯上好几年。发表无数的贴表达自己对不信自己人的愤怒。挑起自己那些信朋友不信证据的友人对自己的支持。我不禁要问,有这必要吗? 如果有人可以很简单快捷地证明自己无辜,但他总不去做。我只能说这人像那些有怪癖习性的BDSM爱好者。既然你喜欢被别人抽,我不辞辛苦免费抽打你,你应该感谢我才是。对吧? |