我在精锐仪器,对于我来说,这是我全新的起点,我希望能在这里得到锻炼,自身得到更大提升。英语是一种工具,但对于我来说,它是我相伴一生的小伙伴,工作中时刻能够和它相伴是我的荣幸。压接工具是一个特殊的领域,还存在着特别大的市场,做这方面的外贸比其他的外贸更快乐,又充满无限乐趣。不得不说的是,精锐仪器的每一样产品都特别美,我想我会禁不住爱上它。奋斗吧少年。 I am in Precisetool, for me, this is my new beginning, I hope I could get much exercise and promotion. English is a kind of tool, but for me, it is my cute partner who is always keep me company, it is my honor to be with her all the time. Crimping tool is a special field, there exists huge market all over the world. By doing this, I am getting much happiness and fun. I have to say, every product of Precisetool is full of beauty, I think I couldn’t help falling in love with it. Come on, young man! ![1467966853286393.jpg QQͼƬ20160704081544.jpg](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20160708/1467966853286393.jpg)
![1467967281111663.jpg QQͼƬ20160704081607.jpg](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20160708/1467967281111663.jpg)