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“‘亻’征召”之“基础科学”博士篇 2017-11-12 15:53:54

Call for Professional Translation between Copyright Owners & IT Industry


  This EVENT (check the logo) was launched on behalf of responding positively towards Paris Agreement 2015. There is huge industrial-size computing power hidden within a decent size of normal computers connected by a network.

本文乃“增智健体”之“首篇”中英对照范文草稿。读者乃拥有至少一个符合“基础科学”定义之博士学位的高等人才,所以大部分的英文稿的中文对照就免了。不过英文版乃“环球版”,“以文促统”于“现有政治实体”的语境而言,是一个“人文科学”的“联合国”版问题,TA批评“联合国”成了一个“吃吃喝喝、玩玩乐乐”的俱乐部有“一定”的道理,于是借“赖5亿”赞助款的机会要脱离“教科文组织”,据说榜样乃“以色列”。说到这里从第一段的Paris Agreement 2015应翻译成“巴黎气候协定2015”后,就可以直接跳到应征者的3个标准了:

  To explore this so far largely stay wasted resource owned by either big IT firms (called as Cloud-Computing) or by a local community (such as those we live within), this event has stated some solid starting points towards PA 2015.

  The core idea underneath few articles in English was "A PAIR of NES"(一对NES), GOOGLE earned this title due to her latest AI breakthrough in the "GO" game, because SHE has made many fundamental pitfalls along that route and missed many other supporting positions for that type of AI to be useful for mankind; Trump earned this title shortly after his June-1st speech about PA 2015 this year, and he earned yet another promotion to "TA" after his Europe travel due to discussion about "Russian Gate" with President Putin in Berlin.

  This EVENT is not a political forum but it is focused on the Scientific Text Processing aided by Computer(s), and the application is strictly restricted to responding positively towards PA 2015. There was a large amount of articles in Chinese done because China seems to be one of the leading contributors towards many negative factors against the goals listed by PA 2015.

  Compared with IT GIANTS such as GOOGLE and MICROSOFT, this event has virtually-Zero resource but few critical and profound understanding about how "TEXT" from a small amount of valuable books (for any real problem, extension must be made to include some supporting materials, some of them may be just written) should be Scientifically Processed Aided by Computer(s).

  So, if you satisfy the following 3 criteria, and would like to earn a little bit fame and some decent rewards after those uncountable days spent on your precious advanced degrees by working towards the goals defined by PA 2015, please write to me ASAP.

  1. At least one PhD degree in Basic Science earned at any American University;

开头是:至少一个PhD degree(哲学博士学位),哲学在中文语境中乃“文科”范畴,所以理应将BASIC SCIENCE扩展为“理科中的基础科学”及“文科中的人文科学”两类博士。当然中文版的关系,结尾处的American University也顺势扩展为美国及中国的高等院校,务请注意中国乃“以文促统”语境下的中国。

  2. You are a citizen or have earned your GREEN CARD, sorry for this restriction as many people with PhD degrees inside US will be excluded, but this is a necessary PRECAUTION to protect this EVENT due to TA's (he got his PROMTION from a neutral term "T" (used for any person whose name start with LETTER T in Chinese)) attitude towards PA 2015.

关键乃了TA嘴里的“AMERICAN FIRST”,您如果已经是美利坚民族的正式成员或者“准成员”(特指永久居住权持有者)当然最好,不过,PA2015乃全球性的大事,能一眼看穿所谓开启PA2015之最佳问题者很清楚如下扩展:如果您也拥有“以文促统”语境下的中国国籍或永久居住权,则同样符合“‘亻’征召”基本资格。

  3. You should know what NES really stands for in this EVENT (HINT: try to think about this word in the ways that would by thought by Shakespeare), and this EVENT has given a Chinese Version on behalf of PA 2015 per South-China-Sea REEF dispute (the latest climax happened last summer): “一对NES PK 对‘单质/高分子’”.

This EVENT has described a problem for every person who is able to think hard on behalf of PA 2015. You should check this out at the first article about "NES", could you send in another COUPLET that offers the best HINT for this problem to proof your qualification related to your PhD degree. Please think about the 3 extremely-distantly-grouped audience this problem can target. The purpose of this challenge is to satisfy those VIP figures within COPYRIGHT-owners (represented by Publishers) and IT-Industry (for example, GOOGLE or MICROSOFT and many others who had invested heavily on Cloud-Computing).


  The initial work are merely assisting written material collection to boost TEXT (mostly few books assigned containing great processing values) STORAGE accessible by this EVENT. In trade, this EVENT would give qualified PhD participants a set of posted/yet-to-be-released articles to make “‘材’征召” (DRAFT of RAW WRITTEN MATERIAL) much easier. Enrolled PhD participant can earn up to 10% scores per WRITTEN MATERIAL they collected. Much more detail about this process will be released later.

  The major work after this EVENT get into normal procedures toward PA 2015 would be what the TITLE states. You should be able to earn top-rate consulting allowance allowed by LOCAL LAW.


  You may email to material398@yahoo.com with SUBJECT field "PhD degree owner", but formal ENTRY must be mailed to "PO BOX" matching following description:

CITY NAME: The city that made the "FORWARD/BACKWARD" carrier of the WEAPON that changed HUMAN HISTORY forever near the EVE of WORLD WAR II.

POST-OFFICE-BRANCH: 4th Street, there is a SAFEWAY-GAS-STATION across the street. Check the GOOGLE map, it is very easy to find out. To help you remember this number easier, TA made his STUPID remarks on June 1st, and as a poet, Shakespeare was famous for sonnet, so you see now how this digit four came in for TA by ACCIDENT.

  PO BOX NUMBER: This EVENT has achieved the “宽衣” (loosen the cloth, the big question would be whose?!) CALL happened during the G20 summit 2016 at West Lake in Hang-Zhou just before China & US authorized PA 2015 together with an interesting Geography-Class HINT targeting the top-environmental-problem in current China with the middle-&-long term solutions' kick-off point. So, the first two digits are TWENTY. This EVENT has introduced a set of QA to introduce the ZERO origin of the Scientific Text Processing aid by Computer in its Chinese Version, and is currently waiting for Publishers worldwide to JOIN for a complete GLOBAL VERSION. Though you would treat them as "the Socratic elenchus" at first sight, but actually they are infinitesimally close to both Socratic Irony and Socratic Method at the same time, (at least that what I tried to do per available WRITTEN material).

  The first QA has its original version born here in the USA more than 100 years old, and digested by a really famous Russian Author also more than 100 years ago, but reversely translated back into Chinese in the form matching that era on purpose. Because with much less words, the actual meaning may go forward for a much longer period (at least that is what I believe) since PA 2015 seems to be merely a tiny first step to clean up the big MASS left by the HUMAN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The second QA is a perfect match for the largest historical problem for Chinese Civilization related to its written language (汉语), and the currently OFFICIAL REFERENCE BOOK all point to the SAME answer of (Three Four . Oh, this is a great topic to go over carefully now). As many of you who are able to read this article; and who are not an idiot about Current China, you have to get the digits in reverse order, or "IS 4IS 3", that is the last two digits assigned to this PO BOX by the local branch.

  The last is the state name. Oh, which state has the name of the founding father; the owner of this PO Box devoted his rented box to this EVENT under the condition that all Americans must fully respect the PRINCIPLES established by the FOUNDING FATHER(S).

  To treat each applicant equally, qualified applicants are ordered by time. So please do act swiftly. Each state (except Alaska and Hawaii due to their special geographical positions) can have at least 1 citizen and 1 green card applicant.




单质: simple substance, any form such as gas, crystal, or liquid, as long as the material being thought at the level of molecule; this EVENT so far focused solely on COAL, i.e., un-crystallized-carbon plus other admixture.

高分子: macromolecule.


笔名(nom de plume): ShanHaiGuan 博士


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