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一封完整的哈佛录取信 2008-04-04 12:50:30

前些日子睿妈发表了一篇哈佛Rejection Letter上最经典的一句话。下面我附上我女儿今年收到的哈佛录取信。还有有关今年哈佛的录取情况的link。


Dear Ms. Lin,

I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard Class of 2012. Following an old Harvard tradition, a certificate of admission is enclosed. Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements.

This year over twenty-seven thousand students, a record number, applied for admission to the entering class. Faced with many more talented and highly qualified candidates than it had room to admit, the Admissions Committee took great care to choose individuals with exceptional character as well as unusual academic and extracurricular strengths. The Committee is convinced that you will make important contributions during your college years and beyond.

Our faculty and students extend a special invitation for you to visit Cambridge over the next few weeks. If you feel a visit would be helpful in making your final college choice, we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. An invitation is enclosed.

We need to know by May 1 whether or not you plan to accept our offer of admission. You may fill out and return the enclosed postcard or you may respond online at
https://admapp.admissions.fas.harvard.edu/hanevo/accepted-haNevoLanding.do. If you accept admission for this coming September, further information will be sent to you over the summer by the Freshman Dean\'s Office.

Each year some admitted students choose to defer entrance for a year and find their many and varied experiences extremely rewarding. If you would like to defer, please tell us about your alternative plans. More information about deferring admission can be found at

Among the enclosed materials you will find a final School Report Form, which must be completed by your school counselor and returned to us at the end of this academic year. The Committee on Admissions reserves the right to withdraw its offer of admission under certain conditions described on the postcard enclosed for your response.

We have a longstanding commitment to meet the financial needs of our admitted students. No limit has been set on the financial resources devoted to making the College fully accessible to all students of promise, and we have a firm policy of making supportive offers of need-based financial aid. We encourage you to contact us now or at any time during your years here if you have questions or concerns about financial aid or if you have additional information that might be helpful to us in understanding your family’s financial circumstances.

I very much hope that you will decide to join us at Harvard. We have enclosed a statement about Harvard’s opportunities which might be helpful to you in making your college choice. Whatever your decision may be, you have my best wishes for every future success.


William R. Fitzsimmons
Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid


浏览(3206) (3) 评论(6)
作者:笑哥 留言时间:2008-04-05 08:35:41
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2008-04-05 06:48:41
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作者:看家狗 留言时间:2008-04-04 20:25:24
Congratulations to you all. Thank you for sharing this great news with us. I hope to read about some secrets of your daughter's success in your writing. Thanks again!
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作者:一滴水 留言时间:2008-04-04 17:31:31


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作者:睿ma 留言时间:2008-04-04 16:37:08
谢谢! 未经您同意把LINK 转贴到了WXC,望见谅.
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作者:昭君 留言时间:2008-04-04 15:51:01
好久不见了!恭喜啊!你女儿上的是私校还是Naperville 或者Hinsdale 的高中?
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