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Great News, these American universities accept lat 2018-08-10 14:42:53
Normally, January 1st is the deadline for most undergraduate applications in most US universities, such as Harvard, Columbia, Brown, NYU, Carnegie Mellon, etc. This means that regardless of the success of the application, if you cannot make it on time, you are out of the game!
Many Chinese students are great candidate with high GPA, but they simply miss the Jan 1st application deadline because they are not prepared enough or their materials are not completed yet. So, does this mean that your desire to study abroad has been shattered?
Of course not! Hurry up, you can still apply to the following American universities and accomplish your American study dream, also known in Chinese 美国留学.
The list of US universities (美国大学)whose application deadline is after Jan.10th, 2018:

Application Deadline in Jan:


Wheaton College,Illinois 1. 10

Georgetown University 1. 10

University of Southern California 1. 15

Virginia Tech 1. 15

 Wellesley College 1. 15

University of Connecticut 1. 15

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1. 15

Case Western Reserve University 1. 15

Tulane University 1. 15

 Clark University 1. 15

University of Oregon 1. 15

Rochester Institute of Technology1. 15

University of Delaware 1. 15

 University of Georgia  1. 15

University of Colorado Boulder 1. 15

Auburn University 1. 15

Colgate University 1. 15

George Mason University 1. 15

 University of Vermont 1. 15

Washington University in St. Louis1. 15

University of Illinois at Chicago 1. 16

University of Maryland, College Park 1. 20

Washington State University 1. 31


Application Deadline in Feb.


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor  2. 1

Brigham Young University  2. 1

University of Wisconsin-Madison  2. 1

The Ohio State University  2. 1

 Worcester Polytechnic Institute  2. 1

Baylor University 2. 1

Miami University-Oxford 2. 1

DePaul University 2. 1

Indiana University Bloomington 2. 1

 Ohio University 2. 1

Stevens Institute of Technology  2. 1

Temple University  2. 1

University of Kentucky  2. 15


Application Deadline in Mar.


Colorado school of mines  3. 1

The University of Iowa  3. 1


Application Deadline in Apr.

University of Utah 4.1


Application Deadline in May.

Clemson University  5. 1

The University of Texas at Dallas  5. 1

University of Arizona 5. 1

University of Nebraska Lincoln  5. 1

Michigan State University  5. 1


Rolling Admission

St. Johns University

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Bethel University

Molloy College

Michigan Technological University

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