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H1b visa study and analysis for 2019 fiscal year 2018-11-23 14:38:22

In the fiscal year of 2019, H-1B visa applications (also known as h1b 签证 which allows foreign employee to be hired by US companies, starting on the 2nd. But this year's H-1B visa application will become much strict compare to previous years.

The H-1B visa (also known as h1b 签证) allows US companies to employ foreign highly educated and experienced skilled workers with a limit of 85,000 per fiscal year. Thousands of foreign skilled workers that high-tech companies need every year are recruited through H-1B visas.
If USCIS receives more than 85,000 applications, it will need to start the “lottery” system (also known as h1b抽签, but the “lottery” system is not perfect. According to an analysis report on visa applications, many outsourcing companies usually send multiple application materials for the same applicant in order to increase the applicant's success rate.

Although USCIS has not announced specific plans for H-1B rectification so far, the department has stricter in terms of review H-1B application materials. According to Quartz's analysis, last year, applicants who were asked to submit additional materials were 40% more than in 2016. According to Envoy's survey, 44% of companies feel that H-1B applications are more difficult than ever.

Another survey of the HR department showed that 61% of the HR department managers feels that the application materials (also known as h1b签证材料 became more complicated, 51% of the respondents felt that the application time was longer, and 41% of the respondents said that they received the request for additional material.

In addition, USCIS also warned that H-1B visas cannot be applied twice, and anyone who applies for two or more applications will be rejected.

After the application is opened, USCIS need to invest more people because USCIS will strictly control all applications. For this reason, USCIS has temporarily suspended the handling of other immigration cases in the duration of process H1-B applications.

Once you have received a h1b visa, you may apply green card later:

Apply for a work green card

The work green card is divided into EB1, eb2, EB3 and EB5, of which EB1 is for outstanding talents. Currently, because the number of applicants is small, there is no priority date (also known as 绿卡排期). The application conditions of EB2 and EB3 are lower than EB1, but there are priority date (except for national interest exemption), EB4. Is a clergyman or other special immigrant, and EB5 is an investment immigrant who can create jobs in the United States. Try the love test.  Some people may qualify for multiple EB visas, you need consult an lawyer (also known as 纽约移民律师)to see which one is the best for you.


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